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8 Interview Questions for Hiring an Accountant
It can be difficult to narrow down the pile of bookkeeping candidates to those who meet the needs of your job description. To be successful at this task, you'll want to ask questions that will ensure the bookkeeper really does have the right skills and will fit the culture of your business. Here are 8 questions to ask your potential bookkeeper…
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What To Include In The Financial Section Of A Successful Business Plan
Preparing the financial section of a business plan is more than scribbling some pleasing numbers on a sheet of paper. The end result of every business plan is not how great the business start up will be or the tremendous skills to be employed in the business but the bottom line…
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Finding The Right Expense Management Solution For Your Company
In recent times, initiatives such as the Sarbannes Oxley Act in the US have dramatically raised the profile of compliance within the corporate world. As a key element of any corporate compliance policy, expense management has shared some of the limelight. As a result, an Expense Management Solution (EMS) is now critical to any business concerned with corporate compliance…
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Danger - Banks Ahead!
Banks are the most unsafe institutions in the world. Worldwide, hundreds of them crash every few years. Two decades ago, the US Government was forced to invest hundreds of billions of Dollars in the Savings and Loans industry. Multi-billion dollar embezzlement schemes were unearthed in the much feted BCCI - wiping both equity capital and deposits…
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Your Checking Account
Checking accounts are an absolute necessity these days. You can either have a checking account or run to the bank or other outlet for money orders. Many people pay for almost everything with a check including groceries, gas, clothes and a long list of other things. When you add an ATM card to this picture, your chances for a potential problem is greatly enhanced…
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How Your Credit Score Determines The Size Of Your Bank Account
Every time you apply for any type of loan or you are issued credit or you pay any bill, it becomes a part of the equation that determines your credit rating.
The primary or big three credit agencies are: Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. The credit score they determine is what all major lenders and most companies use when deciding if they will lend you money or issue you credit and the terms that credit will have…
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Poll #039
Will USA announce default on its debt?

Poll #036
Is there a secret world government?

Poll #034
Do you know that money is a good servant but a bad master?

Poll #033
Is Forex similar to gambling?

Poll #032
What is your occupation?

Poll #031
Do you ever spend money for things you can do without?

Poll #030
Do you know that it is extremely hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God?

Poll #029
Why do you want to earn more money?

Poll #028
Are you determined and working hard to get out of debt?

Poll #026
What is your net yearly income (after taxes), USD?

Poll #024
What percentage of your income goes for paying your debts off?

Poll #023
What percentage of your income do you save?

Poll #021
What is the first step one should make to get out of debt?

Poll #018
Have you noticed that the more you give, the more you get?

Poll #017
What part of your income do you donate to charities?

Poll #016
What part of your income do you donate to Church?

Poll #015
What is the most important thing in getting out of debt?

Poll #014
What country has the healthiest (the most stable, reliable, and promising) economy?

Poll #013
Do you think credit cards are useful or harmful for people (not for bank owners)?

Poll #010
What currency is the strongest - in the long run (for the next 10-30 years)?

Poll #009
Do you have any savings?

Poll #008
Do you have any debts?

Poll #007
What is your religion?

Poll #005
What country are you from?

Poll #004
Do you think cash will eventually be removed from circulation?

Poll #003
What investment brings the highest profits with lowest risk?

Poll #002
What is the most reliable way to save money?


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