Using Credit Cards To Finance Your Business
It can be quite difficult to find financing when you are trying
to start a business. Traditional channels such as banks and other
financial institutions are normally not too eager to finance a new
business, even if you have developed a sound business plan and are
highly skilled in your market. Starting a business, especially an
online business based from your home, can be difficult, and you
will need a way to obtain financing. You may be considering using
your credit cards to finance your business.
While it is always better to avoid risking your own money when
starting a new business, there are many people who have successfully
financed a business with credit cards. If you have a sound business
plan the ability to manage your finances wisely, you may be able
to use your credit card to finance a business without risking your
credit score and your financial future. Just as with all debts,
it is important to pay as much of your balance as possible each
month and never make late payments.
There are advantages to using you credit card in financing a business.
It is quick and easy and you will never have to wait for approval
or funds when you are ready to make a purchase. Another advantage
is that you can make purchases instantly, without having to write
a check or supply vendors with check payment forms, as is often
a requirement for a new business. It would make the most sense to
use only one of your credit cards for business purposes. You will
be able to track purchases easily and consolidate your monthly statement
You should know your billing date. You will be able to make larger
purchases just prior to your billing date and prevent interest from
accumulating for several weeks until you make your payment. Always
try to pay off the majority of, if not all of your debt each month.
You will save a lot of money in interest charges by paying as much
as you can possibly afford each month.
Using your credit card will also protect you from losses if you
receive damaged goods or fail to receive merchandise you have paid
for. Depending on the type of credit card you choose to use for
your business, you can earn bonuses, frequent flyer miles, and cash
back. You will need to monitor your spending carefully. Make certain
you use the credit card with the lowest rate of interest and you
may be able to contact the credit card company and ask about any
possible rate reductions you can get.
Financing your new business with a credit card is not the ideal
situation, but for those who are having difficulty obtaining a traditional
loan or alternate type of financing, this could be a viable option.
You do not want to risk losing your profits by accumulating overwhelming
amounts of debt on your credit card. Keep a close watch on your
spending and pay most if not all your debt each month. With caution
and a smart business plan you can finance your new business with
a credit card and instantly find the funding you need. Depending
on your credit situation and debt level, you may be able to apply
for a credit card in your company name, separate from your personal
Accumulating credit card debt is never the best option, but with
wise decisions and smart purchases you can finance your business
and avoid the frustration of trying to obtain outside funding. Starting
a new business is an exciting time. Make smart financial decisions
and your business can be profitable in a short time.
This article has been provided courtesy of Creditor Web. Creditor
Web offers great credit
card articles available for reprint and other tools to help
you search and compare credit
card offers.
Published - November 2005