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Credit Repair And Avoiding Court

By Steve Hall



If you ever entered a courtroom, you know that the stress elevates, even if you are in the room for someone else. Courts are an automatic source for lifting stress. Moreover, to avoid the courts means we have to abide by laws and pay our debts. If you have taking out a home mortgage, car loan, personal loan, or any other type of credit loan in some instances when the loans requirements are not meet you can be subpoenaed to court.

There are several courts that handle cases that involved negligence, starting with small claims court and finally judgment courts. Any courtroom is stressful, and many of the courts will look at both cases objectionable. However, the party involved in negligence is often deemed untrustworthy.

If you want to avoid more stress than what you will endure on bad credit reports, it is important to make wise decisions before spending money you do not have.

To avoid court judgments, liens or lawsuits it is important to meet payments on your monthly installments. If you find an area of your life when you see that it will be difficult to meet demands, you might want to look into some solutions available that can get you out of harms way.

If you are paying mortgage you might want to opt out by selling your home or else searching the marketplace for loans to help you refinance and get lower rates. When you owe money, your debts are sent to collection agencies.

Once you have a list of bad debts it leaves you open to court. Creditors are people you owe and if they send your debts to collection agencies, you might be waddling in quicksand since someone else has control of your life. If you are delinquent on payments creditors, can garnish wages from your paychecks, take hold of all your tax refunds, and send you to court.

The only advantages you have when you have debts are the creditors cannot charge outrageous late fees or interest rates. The creditors cannot take a post-dated check from you and cash it until they notify you first. Creditors cannot cash a postdated check ahead of its date. Creditors cannot ask for postdated checks by frightening you with criminal suits. Creditors are not permitted to send post cards in an effort to ask for payment, nor can creditors label, or place symbols outside of an envelope to press for payments.

There are many areas of legalities and illegal acts to look for if you are in debt and threatened with lawsuits, liens, repossessions, foreclosures, and judgments. Some of the most important areas of illegal acts made by collection agencies include false unlawful authorization forms, or sending out a representative of the collection agency posing as an officer of the law.

Some creditors even harshly threaten debtors by using profanity or harassing family members by imitating government representatives.

Creditors have even tried cashing postdated checks and attempting to charge late fees for insufficient funds.

It is important that you learn your rights when your credit is in jeopardy. If you are taking to court and know your rights, you might see a way out of a bad situation. If your know your rights you might even find a way to avoid court by taking another route to stall payments.

Some collection agencies have even threaten debtors by phoning their home at late hours of the night, calling friends, family and neighbors, and so on. If you suspect you are heading down bad credit path, then it is important to document all communications between collection agencies, lenders, and other sources so that you are prepared when or if you hit the courtroom. If you see that you cannot avoid court then you want to take all the necessary steps to cover your self when you arrive on the door that is taking your control out of your hands. It is important to know that you can trust only you in most cases.

When your faith is in someone else’s control the worst possible situation can happen. In most cases, however, there is always a solution to the problem and you have the right to stand up and take back some of your control.

About the Author: Steve Hall is the owner of, your one-stop location for getting the information you are looking for on a wide ranging and ever-growing list of subjects.


Published - November 2005


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