List of cryptocurrencies. financial articles
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List of cryptocurrencies

By Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia


This is a list of cryptocurrencies. There were more than 669 cryptocurrencies available for trade in online markets as of 24 August 2015 and more than 740 in totalbut only 9 of them had market capitalizations over $10 million.

Release Active Currency Symbol Founder Hash algorithm Timestamping Notes
2014 Active Auroracoin AUR Baldur Odinsson
Scrypt POW Created as an alternative to fiat currency in Iceland.
2009 Active Bitcoin BTC Satoshi Nakamoto SHA-256d POW First decentralized ledger currency.
2014 Active BlackCoin BC, BLK Rat4 (pseudonym) Scrypt Proof-of-stake (POS) BlackCoin secures its network through a process called minting.
2014 Inactive Coinye KOI, COYE Scrypt POW Used American hip hop artist Kanye Westas its mascot, abandoned after trademark lawsuit.
2014 Active Dash DASH Evan Duffield &
Kyle Hagan
X11 POW & POS Adds privacy to transactions through a decentralized coin-mixing system called Darksend.
2013 Active Dogecoin DOGE Jackson Palmer
& Billy Markus
Scrypt POW Based on an internet meme.
2014 Active DigitalNote XDN XDN-dev team, dNote CryptoNight POW DigitalNote (XDN) is a new private cryptocurrency with an instant untraceable crypto messages and first blockchain banking implementation, use CryptoNote protocol.
2015 Active Ethereum ETH Vitalik Buterin Dagger Hashimoto POW Turing complete smart contracts.
2011 Active Litecoin LTC Charles Lee Scrypt POW First successful scrypt cryptocurrency.
2013 Active Mastercoin MSC J. R. Willett SHA-256d N/A Mastercoin is both digital currency andcommunications protocol built on top of the existing bitcoin block chain.
2014 Active MazaCoin MZC BTC Oyate Initiative SHA-256d POW The underlying software for MazaCoin is derived from that of another cryptocurrency, ZetaCoin.
2014 Active Monero XMR Monero Core Team CryptoNight POW Monero (XMR) is a new privacy-centric coin using the CryptoNote protocol.
2011 Active Namecoin NMC Vincent Durham SHA-256d POW Also acts as an alternative, decentralizedDNS.
2013 Active Nxt NXT BCNext
SHA-256d POS Nxt is specifically designed as a flexible platform to build applications and financial services around its protocol.
2012 Active Peercoin PPC Sunny King
SHA-256d POW & POS First to use POW and POS functions.
2013 Active Emercoin EMC EvgenijM86 SHA-256 POW & POS Trusted storage for any small data: acts as an alternative, decentralized DNS, PKI store, SSL infrastructure and other.
2014 Active PotCoin POT Scrypt POW Developed to service the legalized cannabis industry
2013 Active Primecoin XPM Sunny King
1CC/2CC/TWN POW Primecoin uses the finding of prime chains composed of Cunningham chains and bi-twin chains for proof-of-work, which can lead to useful byproducts.
2013 Active Ripple XRP Chris Larsen &
Jed McCaleb
ECDSA «Consensus» Based on peer to peer debt transfer. The term Ripple can refer to both the digital currency or the payment network.
2014 Active Titcoin TIT Edward Mansfield & Richard Allen SHA-256d POW First cryptocurrency to be nominated for a major adult industry award.
Proposed to be developed asMoneta Inactive Zerocoin Matthew Green, Ian Miers and Christina Garman Proposed bitcoin extension to add true cryptographic anonymity

Published - March 2016

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