Money-madness is the root of all evil
By James Quinn,
a certified public accountant
and a certified cash manager
There ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees,
I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, there ain't nothing
in this world for free. I know I can't slow down, I can't hold
back though you know I wish I could, oh no there ain't no rest
for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good.
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked – Cage the Elephant
doesn’t grow on trees for most of America. We sit down at our kitchen
tables and write out checks to the phone-company, electric company,
credit card-company, mortgage-company, and auto finance company
every month. We clip coupons and go to the grocery store every week
to put food in the mouths of our children. This is what our parents
did before us. We work 40 to 60 hours a week to pay these bills
and feed those mouths. It’s not easy. We do it because that is what
hard working American families do. We work hard, try to save some
money for a rainy day and do the best we can. We had been taught
that nothing in this world was free. We have been misled. If you
were wicked, taking risks beyond the comprehension of average Americans
and endangering the entire worldwide financial system, money does
grow on trees and there is plenty for free. Money can be printed
out of thin air by the wicked and doled out to the wicked. The definition
of wicked is:
Evil in principle or practice; deviating from morality; contrary
to the moral or divine law; addicted to vice or sin; sinful; immoral;
To put it in the most basic terms, what has happened in this country
in the last decade is that evil wicked people have attained positions
of power in government, banking, and industry and have committed
sins against humanity for their own glory and enrichment. Those
who should have stood up to these evil doers are just as guilty
as the engineer driving the train to Auschwitz. Albert Einstein
understood this danger:
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the
people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything
about it.”
There have always been evil people. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin,
Bernie Madoff, Dennis Kozlowski, Charles Manson, Charles Keating
Jr., Joe McCarthy, Jeff Skilling, Bernie Ebbers, Jim Jones, Michael
Milken, and Ivan Boesky come to mind. Some committed horrendous
atrocities, others stole billions, others destroyed reputations,
and others lived lives of decadence and immorality. The reason they
are all household names is because they were able to commit their
crimes because other people didn’t do anything to stop them. All
of these men could have been stopped if citizens, coworkers, auditors,
Prime Ministers, government regulators, Boards of Directors, Congressmen,
or family members had been brave enough and moral enough to make
a stand against their evil deeds. The one and only poem that ever
made an impression on me in high school was The
Hangman by Maurice Ogden. Below are the last stanzas. Evil can
only flourish in society if we allow it to flourish. A society united
against wickedness, dishonesty, corruption and wantonness could
stand the test of time. I’m afraid our Great American Republic has
allowed evil to flourish, and the hangman’s scaffold has grown to
enormous proportions.
You tricked me Hangman." I shouted then,
"That your scaffold was built for other men,
and I'm no henchman of yours." I cried.
"You lied to me Hangman, foully lied."
Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye,
"Lied to you...tricked you?" He said "Not I...
for I answered straight and told you true.
The scaffold was raised for none but you."
"For who has served more faithfully?
With your coward's hope." said He,
"And where are the others that might have stood
side by your side, in the common good?"
"Dead!" I answered, and amiably
"Murdered," the Hangman corrected me.
"First the alien ... then the Jew.
I did no more than you let me do."
Beneath the beam that blocked the sky
none before stood so alone as I.
The Hangman then strapped me...with no voice there
to cry "Stay!" ... for me in the empty square.
THE BOTTOM LINE: "...I did no more than you let me do."
Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here
Bill Shakespeare sure had a way with words. He understood the battle
between good and evil on earth. He also understood that evil can
span generations. “The evil that men do lives after them; the good
is oft interred with their bones.” The main stream liberal media
scoff at the use of the terms evil, the devil, sin and wickedness.
These are antiquated terms used by our grandparents. Everyone knows
that we have progressed beyond such childish terms. The distinctions
between evil and good have been purposely blurred by those in power.
The ruling elitists prefer to operate in shades of gray, where right
and wrong can be spun and parsed into legal mumbo jumbo. This is
not as complicated as those in power want you to think. Our parents
taught us right from wrong. Lying, cheating, stealing, swearing,
and killing are wrong. It’s that simple. No gray, just black and
white. As the mainstream liberal media is filled with vacuous, cheerleader
ideologues, I prefer the wisdom of the greatest minds in history.
Evil does exist in the words and deeds of men in government, banking,
the media and corporate America today.
“When good people in any country cease their vigilance and
struggle, then evil men prevail.”
Pearl S. Buck
There are many good people in our country. I would even venture
to state that the overwhelming vast majority of our 306 million
citizens are good people. The problem is that the good people have
let their guard down and allowed evil men to prevail. By delegating
their civic responsibility for their own well being to corrupt,
power hungry, evil men, we have traded liberty and freedom for a
false sense of security. The military industrial complex, healthcare
industrial complex, media industrial complex and now the banking
industrial complex and auto industrial complex are now in command
of our lives. By following the false prophets of government solving
all the ills of society, we have allowed the hangman’s gallows to
grow and loom ever larger over our every day existence. The examples
of evil infiltrating the halls of government, banking and industry
are many.
Evil Words & Actions
“False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect
the soul with evil.”
- CEO’s of banks and financial institutions going on TV and lying
that their firms were strong and viable. (Angelo Mozilo, Jimmy
Cayne, Ken Lewis, Robert Steele, Charles Prince, John Thain)
- The President and Vice President of the United States lying
to the American people that there were WMD in Iraq and proclaiming
that Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attack.
- The Secretary of the Treasury lying to the American people
and Congress regarding the banking system in order to ram the
TARP bill through Congress.
- The Secretary of the Treasury and Federal Reserve Chairman
threatening the CEO of Bank of America and forcing him to lie
about the true losses of Merrill Lynch.
- Mortgage brokers lying to their clients regarding the terms
of the toxic mortgage products they were peddling.
- Homebuyers who lied about their income and/or assets in order
to qualify for a mortgage.
- Alan Greenspan urging Americans to take out an adjustable rate
mortgage when rates were at all time lows, while simultaneously
saying that home prices on a national basis would never fall.
- Treasury Secretaries and other high officials lying on their
tax returns.
- Financial advisors telling their clients to invest in a financial
product because it makes the advisor more money, versus being
in the best interest of the client.
- Being politically correct in your speech rather than truthful
because a constituent might be offended.
- Politicians making promises to voters while trying to be elected
which they never intend to keep.
- When the President of the United States commits adultery in
the Oval office and then lies to the American public.
Creative Evil
“Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. Knowledge becomes
evil if the aim be not virtuous.”
- When the highly educated use their knowledge to keep the ignorant
from understanding the truth about the financial condition of
the cofuntry.
- When the Federal Reserve Chairman withholds the names of the
banks that have received billions in taxpayer funds with no accountability.
- The MBA genius or geniuses who created the stated income, no
documentation mortgage loan in order to enrich themselves and
their leaders.
- The millions of Americans who accepted loans for homes, cars,
and home furnishings that they knew they could never repay.
- The bankers who made loans to people who they knew could never
repay them, because they would earn all of their money upfront
and would sell the loans to someone else.
- The executives of AIG who silently allowed twenty employees
in their Financial Products Group, led by Joseph Cassano, to gamble
and lose $500 billion while paying Mr. Cassano $280 million in
- Alan Greenspan for allowing moral hazard to grow to immense
proportions due to the unspoken Greenspan Put. Every financial
institution knew he would come to their rescue if their risky
bets blew up. Therefore, they had no reason not to leverage 40
to 1.
- The bank executives who allowed their trading desks to use
derivatives to make huge bets on currencies, interest rates, default
rates, and mortgages in order to generate obscene salaries, bonuses
and stock option awards. The original purpose of derivatives was
to hedge risks.
- The rating agencies Moody’s and S&P who took blood money
from banks and other financial institutions to rate packages of
subprime mortgages, credit card debt, and car loans as AAA without
ever examining the assets or real potential for default.
- The Accounting Firms that will sell audit opinions based on
the amount of fees they receive. This leads to the logical conclusion
that no financial statements can be relied upon.
- The bank executives who knowingly sold toxic worthless assets
to pension funds, insurance companies, municipalities and senior
citizens because of their desire for short-term profits and obscene
Government Evil
“Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even
in its best stage, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state
an intolerable one.”
Thomas Paine
- When elected government officials secretly collude with bankers
to create a non-governmental Federal Reserve Bank that controls
the currency of the country and systematically generates inflation
to allow government to spend at an ever increasing rate.
- Taxing citizens to create bureaucratic government agencies
and programs that fail to accomplish their mission while continuing
to grow in size as politicians use them to reward the contributors
to their re-election campaigns.
- Congressmen allowing 40,000 highly paid corporate lobbyists
in Washington DC to write laws and buy votes because it will keep
them in power.
- Putting thousands of earmarks into every Congressional spending
bill to benefit your supporters to the detriment of the country.
- When government employees leave government service and accept
high paying jobs with the companies they previously regulated.
- The SEC hierarchy ignoring the conclusive evidence provided
by Harry Markopoulos about the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme because
Madoff was respected, connected and had friends in high places
at the SEC.
- Low paid SEC investigators are purposely less stringent in
their investigations because they want high paying jobs on Wall
Street with the firms they are regulating.
- The Federal Reserve has purposely taken worthless assets onto
their balance sheet from insolvent banks in order to fraudulently
portray the U.S. banking system as healthy. They have committed
billions of taxpayer funds with no oversight or audit of their
- Taxing citizens to use the money to create offensive weapons
of war and using them to preemptively invade a sovereign country
with no Constitutionally required declaration of war.
- Launching hundreds of cruise missiles from a thousand miles
away into a city of six million people, knowing thousands of innocent
people would be murdered.
- Torturing human beings at Abu Ghraib and Guantanomo, thereby
winning the fight, but losing the war. The U.S. will have no moral
authority when American soldiers are captured and tortured.
- Invading a country under false pretenses in order to enforce
our world view on a sovereign nation to secure billions of barrels
of oil.
- Selling weapons of mass destruction to other nations.
- Convincing the majority of the population through manipulative
means to give up freedoms and liberties in the name of safety
and security.
- Monitoring the phone conversations, emails, and movements of
American citizens without their knowledge.
- Paying farmers to not grow food, while millions in the world
starve to death every year.
- Encouraging the poorest Americans to gamble what little they
have at State sponsored casinos and in State run lotteries to
pay for ever increasing State spending.
- Politicians spend money today in order to bribe their constituents
for votes, while passing the bill onto future unborn generations.
- Politicians pass laws that reallocate wealth from producers
to the takers in society and create a class of societal dependents
who will continue to vote for more goodies and benefits.
- The FASB allows financial firms to value “assets” at whatever
price they choose in order to mislead investors.
Media Evil
“Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising
techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard
work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.”
Pope John Paul II
- Advertising by the National Association of Realtors in 2005
and 2006 after home prices had doubled in five years telling all
Americans it was the best time to buy and that buying a house
is always a great investment.
- Both liberal and conservative ideologue pundits skewing every
issue in order to prove their pre-ordained position.
- Corporate titans like GE own TV networks and slanting the reporting
of the news in a way that aligns with their corporate interests.
- Paid political consultants train politicians to not answer
the questions they are asked. They are trained to repeat their
talking points, not answer questions truthfully.
- The mainstream media use their power and influence to mislead
the public regarding the true state of the economy and the truth
about the future finances of the country.
- Companies like GMAC/Ditech used misleading TV commercials to
lure the ignorant and poor into loans which they could never repay.
- The negative ads run during political campaigns are made up
of smears, innuendo, half truths, and bold faced lies intended
to destroy the character of opponents.
- Using polls in order to slant your message in a way that appeals
to the most voters.
- Using advertising techniques to convince people to buy products
they can’t afford by appealing to their emotions and biases.
- TV shows that glorify killers, immoral lifestyles, crime, drug
use, etc. in order to push their agenda on children.
- The media exaggerating risks of pandemics, terrorism, crime,
and weather events in order to increase ratings.
After slogging through this depressing list I’m sure there will
be many in the status quo crowd who will argue that most of the
examples I’ve listed are not illegal, therefore they are not evil.
This is where the elite in control of the country and the average
American part ways. The elite will make the case that we live in
a modern world with modern standards, based on modern thought. They
use the media to manipulate the masses into believing that evil
is actually good. As the citizens of the country allow this to happen,
the hangman’s scaffold grows ever larger. Our parents taught us
right from wrong. It is black and white. Only those in power want
the world to be bathed in shades of grey. This allows them to commit
fraud, manipulate public opinion, utilize leverage to make risky
bets with taxpayer funds, and use wealth and power to secure more
wealth and power. The unelected bureaucrats in the back pocket of
the banking cartel designed a bailout plan that attempts to keep
the evil bankers in control of our economy. Nobel economist Joseph
Stiglitz, whose sound advice has been ignored by government central
planners, described the bailout recently:
“The designers of the bailout are either in the pocket of the
banks or they’re incompetent. It’s a real redistribution and a tax
on all American savers. This is a strategy trying to recreate the
bubble. That’s not likely to provide a long-run solution. It’s a
solution that says let’s kick the can down the road a little bit.
They haven’t thought enough about the determinants of the flow of
credit and lending.”
The business pundits think it is wonderful that criminally negligent
banks can borrow at 0% from the Fed and lend to the public at 6%.
Meanwhile, senior citizens get .50% on their money market funds
and 2% for 5 year CDs. Until we bring the country back from its
acceptance of immorality and evil as common place, we are destined
for the tragic fate of the Roman Empire.
Money is the Root of Evil
Now a couple hours past, and I was sitting in my house, the
day was winding down and coming to an end, so I turned on the TV,
and flipped it over to the news, and what I saw I almost couldn't
comprehend, I saw a preacher man in cuffs taking money from the
church, he stuffed his bank account with righteous dollar bills
but even still I can't say much cause I know were all the same,
oh yes we all seek out to satisfy those thrills.
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked – Cage the Elephant
Money is not inherently evil. It is useful to buy food, pay for
utilities, education, and transportation. It can be used to support
charities, take vacations, or be saved for a rainy day. It can be
invested in capital equipment, research, or technology, which has
the potential to generate more money for the investor. It can also
be squandered on depreciating assets such as unnecessarily luxurious
houses, luxury cars, TVs, stereo systems, Blackberries, iPods, and
other baubles and trinkets. Spending money on these things is not
evil or wrong. Buying these things with borrowed money that you
are not capable of paying back is wrong. Lending money to people
and companies that cannot pay you back in order to generate short
term profits to enrich management is wrong. Creating financial leverage
products whose sole purpose is to mislead investors, regulators,
accountants and the public in order to enrich management is wrong.
Debt which is not used for productive purposes only leads to sorrow
and heartbreak.

Total credit market debt as a percentage of GDP has risen from
130% of GDP in 1952 to 350% of GDP today. The various bailout and
stimulus schemes enacted in the last year will drive this percentage
above 400% in the near future. When a country allows this much debt
to accumulate versus its GDP, they have done something seriously
wrong. The country’s politicians, business leaders, and citizens
have all contributed to this disaster. If the debt had been used
for constructive fruitful purposes such as building refineries,
laying pipelines, replacing decaying water pipes, building nuclear
power plants, repairing the 156,000 structurally deficient bridges,
or researching and developing cutting edge energy, biotech, or nanotech
technologies the increase may have had some merit.
Instead, banks created new forms of debt to benefit themselves
through excessive CEO pay, stock options to reliable lieutenants
and stock buybacks to make EPS appear better. Government used debt
to pay for useless wars of choice, tax cuts for the rich, expansion
of the unfunded Medicare program, ethanol subsidies, and other payoffs
to the 40,000 lobbyists scurrying around Washington DC like cockroaches.
Of course, I didn’t intend to insult cockroaches. Americans used
the debt buy and sell houses to each other, leasing cars they couldn’t
afford, taking vacations they couldn’t afford, and buying doo-dads
they didn’t need. Corporations used debt to buy and sell divisions
to each other, bought back their own stock, rewarded management
with $50 million compensation packages, while shipping millions
of jobs to China. Reckless companies used leverage to do $3 trillion
of mergers and acquisitions in 2006, at the top of the market.
The debt was wasted on non-productive assets, useless financial
gimmicks and complex fraudulent products sold to investors. No one
knows at what level the debt will swamp the ship of state. A rogue
wave has just crashed across our bow and washed many overboard.
A captain of state that cared about the remaining passengers would
reverse course and take responsible evasive action. Our captain
and his crew of gamblers have decided to speed up and take the ship
of state headlong into a perfect storm. We all know how this will
end it is only a matter of when.
We also know how it all began:
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and
I care not who makes its laws.”
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
When the banking cartel succeeded in creating the Federal Reserve
Bank in 1913, control of money in the United States was put into
the hands of bankers whose sole purpose is to enrich themselves
at the expense of the citizens of the country. Their relentless
printing of money has resulted in the dollar losing 96% of its value
since 1913. The printing of dollars has allowed politicians to spend
money today and make unfunded commitments decades into the future.
The systematic inflation created by the Federal Reserve is immoral
as it impoverishes the middle class and senior citizens for the
benefit of bankers, the elite rich and entrenched politicians. Much
of the moral decay in our nation can be traced to the manipulation
of money in the last 8 decades. During the 1950’s, 1960’s and into
the 1970’s, a family of five could be supported with a father working
and a mother staying at home with the children. Today, due to relentless
inflation, the average family of four needs to have both parents
working to maintain a similar lifestyle. Inflation adjusted median
household income has been stagnant since 1970. The social pressures
caused by the Federal Reserve induced inflation such as increased
divorce, children raising themselves, and focus on material possessions
has resulted in a society whose fabric is tearing.

The Federal Reserve’s mandate to keep short term interest rates
steady and conducive to long-term growth has been a farce. The interest
rate policies of the Federal Reserve have caused every financial
crisis since 1913. The Great Depression from 1929 to 1940 is debated
endlessly regarding FDR’s social programs and whether they helped
or hurt. What is rarely discussed is the fact that the Federal Reserve’s
loose monetary policies in the 1920’s created the disastrous stock
market crash and the depression that followed. Milton Friedman explained
the decadent relationship between banks and the Federal Reserve:
“Banking is a major sector of the economy in which no enterprise
ever fails, no one ever goes broke. The banking industry has been
a highly protected, sheltered industry. That’s because the banks
have been the constituency of the Federal Reserve.”
Alan Greenspan’s interest rate decisions and belief that financial
institutions did not need to be regulated during his reign as Federal
Reserve Chairman from 1987 to 2006 were by far the most significant
cause for the worldwide financial system collapse. Greenie trained
Wall Street to expect the Federal Reserve to bail them out whenever
their horrific financial bets went south. He created the moral hazard
that eventually led to the recent collapse. He did it in 1987 after
the stock market crash, in 1990 when Citicorp was rescued for the
1st time, during the Reagan initiated S&L crisis, the Mexican
peso rescue, the Asian currency bailout, when Myron Scholes and
his models brought down Long Term Capital Management, prior to the
Y2K fake crisis, after 9/11, and lastly during the 2003 false deflation
scare. These bailouts encouraged the extreme risk taking and 40
to 1 leveraging that occurred between 2003 and 2008. Allowing financial
institutions to not have to accept the consequences of their irresponsible
actions was and is wrong. Ben Bernanke has continued this immoral
policy of bailing out corrupt bankers at the expense of prudent
bankers and prudent citizens.

The reduction of interest rates to 1% in 2003 by Greenspan encouraged
consumers, investors, banks, hedge funds, and investment banks to
go on the greatest debt financed buying binge the world has ever
seen. By “saving” the idiots who lost their shirts in the internet
bubble, Greenspan created a debt bubble of epic proportions. Lessons
about margin debt and excessive leverage that should have been learned
during the 2000 – 2002 stock market crash were forgotten by 2004,
with margin debt reaching $381 billion in 2007, 40% higher than
the NASDAQ peak in 2000. Investment banks increased their leverage
from 10 to 1 to as high as 40 to 1. Consumers used home equity and
credit cards to live way above their means. All of these choices
were bad decisions. Very simply, these decisions made freely by
millions of people were wrong.

The chart below is the clearest visual representation of why those
proclaiming green shoots sprouting are either, liars, knaves, or
fools. The green shoots are actually poison ivy. Real disposable
income has only risen fourfold since 1960. Real household debt rose
at virtually the same rate as disposable income from 1960 to 1980.
By 2009, real household debt had increased by twelvefold. The miraculous
Reagan Revolution was nothing but a debt induced fraud. All of the
apparent wealth in America has been a gigantic sham. The McMansions,
fancy cars, HDTVs, jewelry, and other “essential” gadgets were not
bought with earned income. The Federal Reserve and their banking
brotherhood leant billions to delusional Americans, convincing them
to live for today and not worry about tomorrow. But now tomorrow
has arrived. Housing “wealth” continues to plummet, stock “wealth”
is down 40% in 18 months, and our old friend household debt remains
stubbornly in place. This debt must be paid down before any green
shoots can take permanent root. Any policy that encourages the expansion
of consumer debt would be immoral, wrong and foolish. This is the
policy that the Obama administration has chosen.

Something Wicked This Way Comes
“No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating
the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor
has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
H.L. Mencken
Americans are still infatuated with President Barrack Obama. He
is a dynamic speaker and shrewd manipulator of public opinion. After
eight years of George Bush’s narrow minded demagoguery, Obama’s
appearance of intelligence and moderate rhetoric have been refreshing
to many. His words may be comforting but his policies, if fully
implemented, will lead to an irreversible decline of the American
Empire. The chances of reversing our current misguided course get
slimmer by the day. The Keynesians who have taken control of our
government pick and choose the wisdom of this renowned economist.
His assessment of how aging populations act describes a major roadblock
to fixing our broken society.
“Most men love money and security more, and creation and construction
less, as they get older.”
The government has promised to protect us from terrorists, protect
us from swine flu, protect us from Wall Street, protect us from
foreign corporations, protect our car industry, protect our union
jobs, protect our retirements, and protect us from having to take
responsibility for our actions. We have sacrificed liberties, rights,
responsibilities, and entrepreneurial spirit for a false sense of
security provided by a corrupt, inefficient, morally bankrupt government.
Our rapidly aging population has chosen security over creative destruction
and renewal of the American Dream.
The polarized extremists that dominate the dialogue in our country
make rational necessary change virtually impossible. The public
relations maggots have taken the “green” agenda into elementary
schools and the mainstream media has done their usual job of misinforming
the masses. As the “green” guru Al Gore continues to live in his
20 room mansion with 8 bathrooms while raking in millions as a partner
in a joint venture firm, his misleading agenda is directing the
country down the wrong path. The average Joe now believes that solar
energy, ethanol, and higher mileage cars will save the earth and
make the U.S., energy self sufficient. This is a big lie and will
lead to suffering and economic calamity when oil prices soar past
$200 a barrel in the foreseeable future. The U.S. no longer has
the moral authority to tell other countries how to manage their
finances. Our fiscal deficit as a % of GDP in 2009 will exceed 12%.
Countries we have scoffed at and ridiculed like Italy, Mexico and
Argentina will have deficits less than 4% of GDP. This is only the

The deficit projections from the Obama administration and CBO are
dead on arrival. When tax revenues don’t materialize and the predicted
V shaped recovery turns into an L shaped depression, deficits will
far exceed the already horrific projections. The government continues
to spend our children’s and grandchildren’s money at an ever increasing
rate on bailouts, non-investment stimulus, healthcare waste and
subsidies for friends of Congress. P.J. O’Rourke humorously explained
government drunk with power.
“Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey
and car keys to teenage boys.”

The dilemma facing our country is that the elite ruling class in
control of the nation wants to maintain the status quo. The 50%
of Americans who pay no Federal taxes will gladly support increases
in taxes on the 50% of Americans who do pay taxes. Those without
health insurance will vote for anyone who promises them government
healthcare at no cost. There are 306 million Americans. I often
refer to the average American in my articles. Part of our problem
is that by definition, half of Americans are below average. After
spending Memorial Day weekend at the Jersey shore, I know where
a large number of below average Americans like to vacation. They
give themselves away fairly easily. If your body is more than 50%
covered in tattoos, you have more than 10 body piercings, your gold
chain weighs more than 5 pounds, and your idea of cuisine is a fried
Oreo, you’re a below average American. These zombie-like citizens
have absolutely no interest in deficits, GDP, the National Debt
or shared sacrifice. The majority prefer not to be bothered.
An entitlement society will eventually wither and die. Only societies
that produce something of value to other societies will prosper.
Using financial hocus pocus and enormous amounts of leverage creates
nothing of value to anyone except the criminals who created the
financial weapons of mass destruction. Bailing these criminals out
will waste essential capital and lead to our ultimate demise as
a world power. Dr. John Hussman clearly lays out our future:
“The bottom line is that the attempt to save bank bondholders
from losses – to provide monetary compensation without economic
production – is not sound economic policy but is instead
a grand monetary experiment that has never been
tried in the developed world except in Germany circa 1921. This
policy can only have one of two effects: either it will crowd out
over $1 trillion of gross domestic investment that would otherwise
have occurred if the appropriate losses had been wiped off the ledger
(instead of making bank bondholders whole), or it will result in
a stunning and durable increase in the quantity of base money, which
will ultimately be accompanied not by a year or two of 5-6% inflation,
but most probably by a near-doubling of the U.S. price level over
the next decade. As I've noted previously, the growth rate of government
spending is better correlated with subsequent inflation than even
growth in money supply itself, particularly at 4-year intervals.
Regardless of near-term deflation pressures from a continued mortgage
crisis, our present course is consistent with double digit inflation
once any incipient recovery emerges.”
The following graphs tell the story of a country in decline and
a country on the rise. We proudly proclaim that we are a consumer
society that creates 70% of its GDP by buying stuff and saving nothing.
Instead of encouraging and rewarding saving, which leads to productive
investment, our government pours an additional $7.5 billion into
GMAC and demands them to lend the money to millions of subprime
borrowers, because they deserve to drive a BMW just like any big
time Corporate Treasurer. While America was “inventing” Twitter
so Americans could waste more time on useless bullshit, China built
three nuclear power plants and two refineries.

China on the other hand is sailing an entirely different course.
With gross national saving of 52% of GDP it is only a matter of
time before China becomes the world economic leader. The 21st Century
will be China’s century. There is much wrong with their society.
Pollution, human rights abuses, and fraud are major issues, but
the enormous amount of saving and investment in infrastructure,
manufacturing plants, nuclear power plants and refineries will overcome
those issues. As the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve
double down on failed socialist policies that will bankrupt our
country, the Chinese increase their productive capacity and use
their depreciating dollars to buy up natural resources around the

We have been confronted with stormy seas in the last two years.
Our leaders’ inept management and inane solutions caused the crisis.
They have committed hundreds of billions in the last six months.
This has resulted in the seas receding from the shoreline. There
is an unusual calmness. An alert and dutiful government would be
warning Americans to run inland by paying off debt and preparing
for rough times ahead. Our government is encouraging Americans to
venture out to where the violent waves were recently breaking and
pick themselves up a new car or an “affordable” house. When the
tsunami warning is sounded, it will be too late.
We are in our current predicament because we have allowed evil
men to gain control of our government and financial institutions.
These men have enriched themselves at the expense of taxpaying citizens.
Trillions have been stolen from the American people and no one goes
to jail, no one is punished, and no responsibility is taken by the
culprits. If we stand by silently while criminal bankers are bailed
out and policies are put into place that increases our crushing
debt, the Hangman’s scaffold will loom ever larger. On Memorial
Day, when we honor those who died heroically to protect and defend
our way of life, the lesson of shared sacrifice should bear out
that it is morally wrong to spend money today and pass the bill
to unborn future generations. If you have ideas to share, join me
THE BOTTOM LINE: "...I did no more than you let
me do."
Published - June 2009