Your Business's Marketing Strategies
By U.S. Small Business Administration,
Frederick H. Rice,
Kansas State University,
Small Business Development Center (SBDC),
Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A.
See also: PDF-version
Emerging Business Series
Copyright 1991, Frederick H. Rice. All rights reserved.
No part may be reproduced, transmitted or transcribed without the
permission of the author. SBA retains an irrevocable, worldwide,
nonexclusive, royalty-free, unlimited license to use this copyrighted
While we consider the contents of this publication
to be of general merit, its sponsorship by the U.S. Small Business
Administration does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of
the views and opinions of the authors or the products and services
of the companies with which they are affiliated.
All of SBA's programs and services are extended to the public
on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Market Segmentation
Market Positioning
The Product (or Service)
How Much Should I Spend?
When Should I Spend It?
Where Should I Spend It?
What Media Should I Use?
Appeal to Consumers' Needs
Techniques in Presenting the Advertising Message
Strengthening the Elements of Your Advertisement
Paid-circulation Newspapers
Free-distribution Newspapers
Direct Mail
Other Local Print Media
Outdoor Media
Other Media for Advertising
Timing Each Ad For Impact
Using Color
Critiquing Your Ads
A. Customer Survey
B. Annual Sales by Store Type
C. Share of Annual Sales by Month
D. Projected Sales and Planned Ad Volume -- Worksheet
E. Average Advertising Investments of Retail Stores
F. Determination of Advertising Media Budget -- Worksheet
G. Media Budget Allocation Form -- Worksheet
H. Advertising Layout Guide
I. Type Styles
J. Information Resources
Marketing continues to be a mystery . . . to those who create
it and to those who sponsor it. Often, the ad that generates record-breaking
volume for a retail store one month is repeated the following month
and bombs. A campaign designed by the best Madison Avenue ad agency
may elicit a mediocre response. The same item sells like hotcakes
after a 30-word classified ad, with abominable grammar, appears
on page 35 of an all-advertising shopper tossed on the front stoops
of homes during a rainstorm! The mystery eludes solution but demands
This publication is devoted to the idea that your marketing results
can be improved through a better understanding of your customers.
This approach usually is referred to as the marketing concept.
Putting the customer first is probably the most popular phrase
used by firms ranging from giant conglomerates to the corner barber
shop, but the sloganizing is often just lip service. The business
continues to operate under the classic approach -- "Come buy
this great product we have created or this fantastic service we
are offering." The giveaway, of course, is the word we. In
other words, most business activities, including advertising, are
dedicated to solving the firm's problems. Success, however, is more
likely if you dedicate your activities exclusively to solving your
customer's problems.
Any marketing program has a better chance of being productive
if it is timed, designed and written to solve a problem for potential
customers and is carried out in a way that the customer understands
and trusts. The pages that follow will present the marketing concept
of putting the customer first. Marketing is a very complex subject;
it deals with all the steps between determining customer needs and
supplying them at a profit. In addition to some introductory material
on marketing, this publication includes practical material on the
marketing approaches to budgeting, layout design, headline writing,
copywriting and media analysis. You have to spend money on marketing;
the purpose of this publication is to help you get the most for
your money, or the most bang for the buck.
Unfortunately, there is still a misunderstanding about the word
marketing. Many people, including top executives, use it as a sophisticated
term for selling. Marketing representative is commonly used in ads
to recruit salespeople. Actually, marketing is a way of managing
a business so that each critical business decision is made with
full knowledge of the impact it will have on the customer.
Here are some specific ways in which the marketing approach differs
from the classic, or sales, approach to managing a business.
1. In the classic approach, engineers and designers create a
product, which is then given to salespeople who are told to find
customers and sell the product. In the marketing approach, the
first step is to determine what the customer needs or wants. That
information is given to designers who develop the product and
finally to engineers who produce it. Thus, the sales approach
only ends with the customer, while the marketing approach begins
and ends with the customer.
2. The second major difference between the sales and marketing
approaches is the focus of management. The sales approach almost
always focuses on volume while the marketing approach focuses
on profit.
In short, under the classic (sales) approach the customer exists
for the business, while under the marketing approach the business
exists for the customer.
The marketing concept is a management plan that views all marketing
components as part of a total system that requires effective planning,
organization, leadership and control. It is based on the importance
of customers to a firm, and states that
- All company policies and activities should be aimed at satisfying
customer needs.
- Profitable sales volume is a better company goal than maximum
sales volume.
In order to conduct a successful marketing program you must be
able to answer the following questions:
1. What type of business are you in (manufacturing, merchandising
or service)?
2. What is the nature of your product(s) or service(s)?
3. What market segments do you intend to serve? (Describe the age,
sex, income level and life-style characteristics of each market
4. What strategies will you use to attract and keep customers?
Product _____________________________________________________
Price _______________________________________________________
Place _______________________________________________________
Promotion ___________________________________________________
Persuasion (personal selling) ______________________________
5. What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?
6. Who is your competition, and what will you do to control your
share of the market?
To use the marketing concept effectively in a growing business,
you should
- Analyze your firm's competitive advantage. What do you do best?
- Identify specific markets you now serve.
- Determine the wants and needs of your present customers.
- Determine what you are now doing to satisfy those wants and
- Prepare a marketing plan that allows you to reach out to new
customers or to sell more to your present customers.
- Test the results to see if your new strategies are yielding
the desired results.
Market research must be used in each of these six steps to help
define your business for your customer's interests, not your own.
It is the process of learning what customers want or need and determining
how to satisfy those wants or needs. It is also used to confirm
whether the customer reacted to a marketing program as expected.
The benefits of market research include
- Learning who your customers are and what they want.
- Learning how to reach your customers and how frequently you
should try to communicate with them.
- Learning which advertising appeals are most effective and
which ones get no response.
- Learning the relative success of different marketing strategies,
thus improving return on investment.
- Learning how not to repeat your mistakes.
The dilemma for the small business owner is that, properly done,
market research is quite expensive, takes time and requires professional
expertise. Acquiring all the necessary data to reduce the risk to
your venture may cost so much and take so long that you may go out
of business. The answer is to find a quick and inexpensive way of
getting enough data to help you make the right decision most of
the time. Some obvious pitfalls are
- Using a sample that does not represent the total market.
- Asking the wrong questions.
- Not listening to the responses.
- Building in biases or predispositions that distort the reliability
of information.
- Letting arrogance or hostility cut off communication at some
point in the marketing process.
If you have a limited budget, develop the skills to hear what your
customers and potential customers are telling you. Some techniques
worthy of consideration are
- Advisory board -- Occasionally convene a group of
local people, whose opinions you respect, to act as a sounding
board for new ideas. Choose your group with extreme care; one
or two negative thinkers can distort the thought process of the
entire group.
- User group -- Gather customers together to discuss
new ideas. Their opinions can help you keep your business on track.
Pick a neutral setting where the people will talk. Be sure to
reward the participants and share the credit for good ideas.
- Informal survey -- If you seek feedback from customers
by simply asking, How was everything? you can be seriously misled.
Most people, even those with legitimate complaints, are reluctant
to speak out because they are afraid of appearing foolish. This
tendency is probably more widespread in smaller communities, where
friendships often stand in the way of critical review. Also, if
your attitude is such that customers feel complaining will not
do any good, you may be antagonizing customers without even knowing
it. One solution is to take a few customers aside and ask them
some sincere questions about how your business met their expectations
and where it fell short. If the customer appears uneasy, do not
press the issue -- you will only force him or her to give you
pat answers to escape the situation. If you get a good response,
take notes. Follow-up letters thanking the customers and telling
them what you plan to do with their suggestions will bring you
friends for life.
- Suggestion box -- A suggestion box is a simple idea
that works, but only if
you do the following:
-- Read the suggestions on a regular basis.
-- Do something about the suggestions you receive.
-- Reward those who give you good ideas by posting their names,
writing letters to them or rewarding them with money or other
things of value.
The principle at work is: If you reward good results, you will
get more good results. If you do not reward them, you will end
up with an empty suggestion box and the mistaken idea that everything
is fine.
- Sample survey -- Canvass the neighborhood to gather
data. If you wish to remain anonymous, line up some marketing
students to perform the survey or engage a local marketing agency.
Be sure you establish a technique for getting a random sample
as most people naturally attempt to attract respondents with whom
they feel comfortable. Be sure to test your questionnaire to see
that the questions are easily understood and are meaningful (see
Appendix A for a sample survey).
- Focus group interview -- Get 10 to 15 people together
in a relaxed setting and encourage them to talk about products
or services they like or dislike. Use a moderator who can lead
the group discussion without inhibiting the thought processes
or limiting the expression of ideas and opinions. Tape record
the session for later analysis.
- Brainstorming -- This is a variation of the focus
group, in which participants are encouraged to freewheel in their
thinking to produce as many suggestions as possible without analyzing
them. Again, a trained moderator will obtain the best results.
! Complaint analysis -- Encourage your customers to
contact you directly if they have complaints. Respond to every
complaint with a courteous letter assuring that you will correct
the situation. A few disgruntled customers can be harmful. If
your customers feel that they can work with you to solve their
problems, you are sure to be successful.
- Comparison shopping -- Arrange with someone in a
similar business located out of town to come to your town to shop
your business and several of your competitors. Then return the
favor and compare notes. This will avoid the danger of your becoming
complacent about your premises and overlooking things that may
be annoying or confusing to your customers.
- Customer analysis -- Tabulate information about customers
regularly to determine such data as
-- Age.
-- Size of buying group (family, household, etc.).
-- Sex of the decision maker in the group.
-- Geographic location -- Sort checks and sales slips by ZIP
code, or ask customers to mark their home on a map with a colored
pencil. Tabulate visitors versus local residents.
-- Average amount of purchase.
-- Coupon usage.
-- Response to recent advertising.
-- Radio station listened to.
-- Newspapers read.
-- Response to mailings.
-- Full price buyers versus those who respond to sales or specials.
-- Special populations in your area, such as college students,
military personnel, senior citizens, hospital visitors, convention
attendees, sports spectators, fair attendees, farmers, seasonal
workers, car pools, pet owners, home owners, boat or recreational
vehicle owners and athletic participants. The more you know
about your customers the better you will be able to satisfy
and even anticipate their needs.
- Customer want list -- Keep a notebook at your cash
register and write down every request you receive for items you
do not carry or have in stock. Periodic review of the list will
give valuable clues about sales you are losing or new products
and services you should consider carrying. You may learn of fad
items, products being heavily advertised or items and services
your competitors have dropped. Your customers may be telling you
they are dissatisfied with your competition and would prefer buying
from you. You will be able to tell if other businesses in the
area are in trouble, even before they know it themselves. You
may also discover ways to make additional income by adding new
departments or product lines or by developing a special-order
business if your customers are willing to pay the added shipping
costs and wait for delivery.
- Industry analysis -- On business trips or vacations,
visit businesses similar to yours. Take pictures of signs, storefronts
and displays, and talk to the owners to compare notes on new products,
services and marketing techniques. Subscribe to trade journals
and attend trade shows to keep current on marketing developments
in your industry.
- Sales representatives -- Representatives who call
on other similar businesses in your area can provide valuable
information on business trends, new items and changes in the industry.
Be sure the information is reliable.
- Advertising notebook -- Each ad that you run represents
an investment. To make sure you maximize your investment, cut
out each ad and tape it to a page in a three-ring notebook. (For
a radio or TV ad, write a short description.) Enter the date,
medium and cost of the ad. Record the results of the ad in sales,
inquiries or coupons redeemed. Divide the cost by the results
to get a cost-per-inquiry factor that you can use to compare your
ads and the media in which they appeared.
- Exit interviews -- When someone leaves your employ,
be sure to spend sufficient time to find out exactly why he or
she is leaving. Probe deep to learn what may be occurring in your
business that causes hard feelings, employee conflict or customer
dissatisfaction. It is important that your employees leave with
a good feeling about you and your business, so they will not spread
unfounded rumors. Also, you may wish to keep them as customers.
Employee turnover and training can be expensive to a business,
so try to find out what you must do to keep employees and then
decide if they are worth the price.
When expanding your business, explore all the strategic alternatives
available to you. Select the one that makes the most sense and then
prepare a marketing plan on how to implement that strategy.
When expanding your business, explore all the strategic alternatives
available to you. Select the one that makes the most sense and then
prepare a marketing plan on how to implement that strategy.
Expansion of Present Location
Learn to spot telltale signs of saturation in your present facilities.
Grocery stores, for example, keep track of abandoned carts. When
a shopper fills a cart and then leaves because the checkout line
is too long, the grocer should realize that there is a serious problem.
If you are experiencing bottlenecks, think about adding to your
facilities. Determine how many additional customers you could service
by building up or out and compare the additional sales to the cost
of construction and temporary inconvenience.
If it appears unlikely that you can draw more customers to your
present location (at a reasonable cost), consider moving closer
to your customers. A location on Main Street, in a shopping mall
or an industrial park may cost you more in rent, but if you gain
exposure to new customers it may be a sound investment.
Additional Outlets
Reaching the most customers may require opening several outlets
at convenient locations throughout your market area. In addition
to the added costs of real estate and multiple inventories, carefully
analyze the cost and availability of labor and training, and the
cost of hiring a manager for each location and installing an efficient
monitoring system. Your advertising dollars may become more efficient
since your radio, TV and newspaper ads cover your entire market.
The multiple locations will make it more convenient for customers
to find you.
Downward Vertical Integration
If your profits depend on the prices you pay for raw materials,
your most profitable growth strategy may be to buy a farm, mine
or processing plant to produce your own materials. This strategy
also may make sense if your product quality is based on a consistent
supply of goods at an acceptable quality level.
Upward Vertical Integration
Most small manufacturing businesses that start are forced to conform
to the existing marketing channels and sell through established
manufacturers' representatives, jobbers or dealers who have access
to the market. As you grow, however, it makes sense to analyze your
distribution system to see when you can improve your situation by
hiring your own sales team, contracting with distributors, buying
a truck fleet, opening retail stores or factory outlet stores or
doing anything else you need to do to get closer to your market.
Remember, every time someone gets between you and your customer,
it either reduces your revenue or increases your operating costs.
Also, it impedes the provider-consumer communication that is essential
to a good marketing program.
Exporting Goods or Services
Literally, there is a world of markets available to you if you
are willing to learn how to get started. The U.S. Department of
Commerce's U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service and the U.S. Small
Business Administration can help you explore potential foreign markets
for your product or service.
Tourists' Business
When you are looking for new customers, don't ignore tourists
who could be attracted to your area. Work with your local convention
and visitors' bureau to determine the impact if you cooperate with
local tourist attractions or hotels and restaurants to get more
people to visit and spend money in your community.
Franchising as a growth strategy offers advantages if you are
short of expansion capital, yet have a concept that can be packaged
and taught to people who wish to invest in a business. The legal
problems can seem overwhelming, but with a good plan and competent
advice, you can develop a franchise system that could prove extremely
License Agreements
If you have a technical process or service, you may be able to
find people in other markets who would be willing to pay you a royalty
for the rights to use your process. Perhaps you could sell raw materials,
secret ingredients, special tooling or promotional materials to
your license holders.
Direct Marketing
Selling directly to your customers is one of the oldest and most
effective methods of marketing. Today, there are few door-to-door
salespeople; most direct marketing is seen in party plan selling
and through mail, TV and magazines. Direct selling requires good
selection and training techniques and a commission plan plus liberal
If you have a good list of prospective customers, telemarketing
may be an effective method of informing them about your business,
qualifying them for sales follow-up or selling your product or service
to them. Professional firms can be used, or you can set up your
own telephone room. Here again, recruiting and training are critical
because only a few people can do telemarketing well.
Private Label
One method of reaching out to new markets is to sell your product
under the name of your distributor or retailer. However, you cannot
build customer or brand loyalty because the consumer does not know
you are the producer. Another potential problem is that, should
the owner of the label find a cheaper producer, you may be out of
the business.
The marketing plan is a problem-solving document. Skilled problem
solvers recognize that a big problem is usually the combination
of several smaller problems. The best approach is to solve each
of the smaller problems first, thereby dividing the big problem
into manageable pieces. Your marketing plan should take the same
approach. It should be a guide on which to base decisions and should
ensure that everyone in your organization is working together to
achieve the same goals. A good marketing plan can prevent your organization
from reacting to problems in a piecemeal manner and even help in
anticipating problems.
Before your marketing plan can be developed, research must give
you the basic guidelines: for whom you are designing your product
or service (market segmentation), and exactly what that product
or service should mean to those in the marketplace (market positioning).
Below are some guidelines to help you develop a marketing plan to
support the strategy you have selected for your organization.
Market Segmentation
Your marketing plan should recognize the various segments of the
market for your product or service and indicate how to adjust your
product to reach those distinct markets. Instead of marketing a
product in one way to everyone, you must recognize that some segments
are not only different, but better than others for your product.
This approach can be helpful in penetrating markets that would be
too broad and undefined without segmentation. No matter what you
are making or selling, take the total market and divide it up like
a pie chart. The divisions can be based on various criteria such
as those listed below.
This is the study of the distribution, density and vital statistics
of a population, and includes such characteristics as
- Sex.
- Age.
- Education.
- Geographic location.
- Home ownership versus rental.
- Marital status.
- Size of family unit.
- Total income of family unit.
- Ethnic or religious background.
- Job classification -- blue collar versus salaried or professional.
This is the study of how the human characteristics of consumers
may have a bearing on their response to products, packaging, advertising
and public relations efforts. Behavior may be measured as it involves
an interplay among these broad sets of variables:
- Predisposition -- What is there about a person's past
culture, heredity or upbringing that may influence his or her
ability to consider purchasing one new product or service versus
- Influences -- What are the roles of social forces
such as education, peer pressure or group acceptance in dictating
a person's consumption patterns?
- Product Attributes -- What the product is or can
be made to represent in the minds of consumers has a significant
bearing on whether certain segments will accept the concept. These
attributes may be suggested by the marketer or perceived by the
customer. Some typical ways of describing a product include
-- Price/value perception -- Is the item worth the price being
-- Taste -- Does it have the right amount of sweetness or lightness?
-- Texture -- Does it have the accepted consistency or feel?
-- Quality -- What can be said about the quality of the ingredients
or lack of artificial ingredients?
-- Benefits -- How does the consumer feel after using the product?
-- Trust -- Can the consumer rely on this particular brand?
What about the reputation of the manufacturer in standing behind
the product?
Statements consumers make about themselves through conspicuous
consumption can be put to good use by research people who read the
signals correctly. By studying behavioral variables, such as a person's
use of time, services and products, researchers can identify some
common factors that can predict future behavior.
ZIP Code Analysis
In his book, The Clustering of America,* Michael J. Weiss described
the research efforts of the Claritas Corporation. In 1971, company
president Jonathan Robbin started with the idea of analyzing the
254,000 U.S. census blocks and 36,000 ZIP code areas to find out
what types of people live in each. Based on the theory that birds
of a feather flock together, he reasoned that, as neighborhoods
develop, the people who move in are attracted by a set of common
life-style factors in a pattern called social clustering. He analyzed
each ZIP code according to hundreds of characteristics under the
headings of social rank, mobility, ethnicity, family life cycle
and housing style. He found 34 key factors that accounted for 87
percent of the variation among U.S. neighborhoods. His computers
then assigned each ZIP code to a cluster type and ranked them from
highest to lowest standard of living (see Table 1).
Table 1
Clustering of U.S. Neighborhoods According
to Standard of Living

Source: PRIZM (Census Demography)
Claritas Corporation 1987.
a = ZIP quality is a socioeconomic
ranking based on income home value education and occupation a kind
of pecking order of affluence. Although jobs have no social status
per se they're rated in a complex weighting system on the basis
of how much education and training they require.
b = Because the upper
census limit for home values is $200,000+ the figure for Blue Blood
Estates and Urban Gold Coast are estimates.
The important thing to recognize
about the 40 groups in Table 1 is that each spends its money in
particular ways because the people in that neighborhood have common
values. As you move up the zip quality scale, it is obvious that
people have more money to spend, but unless you have what that group
thinks is important or desirable, they aren't going to buy. And,
more important, if their friends and neighbors don't like what you
have to sell, your chances of making the sale are pretty slim.
A sample analysis of the data in Table 1 follows. The average American
spends 2.6 times his or her annual income on a home (calculated
by dividing the median home value for each cluster by the median
income). According to Table 1, the Bohemian Mix cluster spends almost
twice the average on housing because, while its members earn less
money than neighboring clusters, their higher education level gives
them the confidence and desire to invest in a larger house. The
business owner must learn how home purchase relates to all other
purchases for each cluster and how all purchases fall into a pattern.
The pattern has to do with how the people in each cluster place
values on and gain acceptance and pleasure from purchases, leisure
activities and memberships that contribute to the life-style of
that particular neighborhood.
In 1978, Claritas launched PRIZM -- Potential Rating Index by
ZIP Markets -- which refined the 40 rankings by cross-referencing
with magazine subscription lists, new car buyer lists, TV viewing
diaries, and warranty card, voting records and sales records for
thousands of products and services. With this new level of data
sophistication, marketing people obtained an amazingly accurate
picture of who lives in the 40 types of neighborhoods.
The largest single cluster, for example, is No. 10 -- Blue Chip
Blues. These are the top-of-the-line blue-collar folks who have
parlayed a high school education and skilled-labor jobs into suburban
comfort and active leisure lives. By comparing this cluster's life-style
expenditures with those of other clusters and the national average,
we can cumulate data such as those reflected in Table 2.
Table 2
Life-Style Expenditures of Blue Chip Blues

Source: SMBR and MRI data
bases Claritas Corporation 1987.
*Index numbers indicate
percentages of users in each cluster indexed against the national
average. An index of 100 equals the U.S. average for that category.
An index of 300 means the cluster has three times the national average
for that category.
Such information is indispensable
to direct mail marketing firms, but almost any growing business
can benefit from better information about past and present customers.
Start by recording ZIP codes from checks you receive, ask your customers
to write ZIP codes on your charge card slips and categorize your
cash sales by ZIP code. Such information gathered over time will
give you clues to such questions as
- Where do your present customers live?
- What areas are growing or declining?
- What is the influence of tourists, students, military or other
specialized populations?
- Does advertising increase sales in certain areas?
- What is the effect of competitive activities on your sales?
- How can you find more customers like the ones you have now?
The real key to successful marketing is to identify the market
segments you wish to reach and then tabulate the results of your
marketing efforts until you find out what works best for you --
and then keep repeating your successes.
Market Positioning
You must realize that your product or service cannot be all things
to all people. Very few items on the market today have universal
appeal. Even when dealing in basic commodities like table salt or
aspirin, marketing people have gone to all sorts of extremes to
create brand awareness and product differentiation. If your product
or service is properly positioned, prospective purchasers or users
should immediately recognize its unique benefits or advantages and
be better able to assess it in comparison to your competition's
offering. Positioning is how you give your product or service brand
Positioning involves analyzing each market segment as defined
by your research activities and developing a distinct position for
each segment. Ask yourself how you want to appear to that segment,
or what you must do for that segment to ensure that it buys your
product or service. This will dictate different media and advertising
appeals for each segment. For example, you may sell the same product
in a range of packages or sizes, or make cosmetic changes in the
product, producing private labels or selecting separate distribution
channels to reach the various segments. Beer, for example, is sold
on tap and in seven-ounce bottles, twelve-ounce cans and bottles,
six-packs, twelve-packs, cases, and quart bottles and kegs of several
sizes. The beer is the same but each package size may appeal to
a separate market segment and have to be sold with a totally different
appeal and through different retail outlets.
Remember that your marketing position can, and should, change
to meet the current conditions of the market for your product. The
ability of your company to adjust will be enhanced greatly by an
up-to-date knowledge of the marketplace gained through continual
monitoring. By having good data about your customers, the segments
they fit into and the buying motives of those segments, you can
select the position that makes the most sense. While there are many
possible marketing positions, most would fit into one of the following
- Positioning on specific product features -- A very
common approach, especially for industrial products. If your product
or service has some unique features that have obvious value this
may be the way to go.
- Positioning on benefits -- Strongly related to positioning
on product features. Generally, this is more effective because
you can talk to your customers about what your product or service
can do for them. The features may be nice, but unless customers
can be made to understand why the product will benefit them, you
may not get the sale.
- Positioning for a specific use -- Related to benefit
positioning. Consider Campbell's positioning of soups for cooking.
An interesting extension is mood positioning: Have a Coke and
a smile. This works best when you can teach your customers how
to use your product or when you use a promotional medium that
allows a demonstration.
- Positioning for user category -- A few examples:
You've Come a Long Way Baby, The Pepsi Generation and Breakfast
of Champions. Be sure you show your product being used by models
with whom your customers can identify.
- Positioning against another product or a competing business
-- A strategy that ranges from implicit to explicit comparison.
Implicit comparisons can be quite pointed; for example, Avis never
mentions Hertz, but the message is clear. Explicit comparisons
can take two major forms. The first form makes a comparison with
a direct competitor and is aimed at attracting customers from
the compared brand, which is usually the category leader. The
second type does not attempt to attract the customers of the compared
product, but rather uses the comparison as a reference point.
Consider, for example, the positioning of the Volkswagen Dasher,
which picks up speed faster than a Mercedes and has a bigger trunk
than a Rolls Royce. This usually works to the advantage of the
smaller business if you can capitalize on the American tradition
of cheering for the underdog. You can gain stature by comparing
yourself to a larger competitor just as long as our customers
remain convinced that you are trying harder.
- Product class disassociation -- A less common type
of positioning. It is particularly effective when used to introduce
a new product that differs from traditional products. Lead-free
gasoline and tubeless tires were new product classes positioned
against older products. Space-age technology may help you here.
People have become accustomed to change and new products and are
more willing to experiment than was true ten years ago. Even so,
some people are more adventuresome and trusting than others and
more apt to try a revolutionary product. The trick is to find
out who are the potential brand switchers or experimenters and
find out what it would take to get them to try your product. The
obvious disadvantage of dealing with those who try new products
is that they may move on to another brand just as easily. Brand
loyalty is great as long as it is to your brand.
- Hybrid bases -- Incorporates elements from several
types of positioning. Given the variety of possible bases for
positioning, small business owners should consider the possibility
of a hybrid approach. This is particularly true in smaller towns
where there aren't enough customers in any segment to justify
the expense of separate marketing approaches.
Resource allocation is a critical part of any marketing plan.
To simplify budget preparation, it is recommended that investments
in labor, material and services be broken down into the five Ps
of marketing:
- Product -- The item or service you have to sell.
- Price -- The amount of money you ask your customer
to pay for your product.
- Place -- Where a product is now and how it is transported
to your customer.
- Promotion -- The advertising and publicity necessary
to complete a transaction.
- Persuasion -- Personal selling of your business.
Each of the five Ps represents an investment in dollars, materials
and services. We can represent this as a system of pipes consisting
of a tank of money, which represents the total marketing budget,
a main pipe through which the dollars flow and five valves that
control the flow of money to each of the five Ps (see Figure 1,
page 12). The concepts of market planning, segmentation and positioning
are shown as filters. Budgeting is the process of setting the valves
to meet the needs of each marketing task for each segment and then
monitoring the results over time to make sure you remain on target.
As your market segments change, you will have to reset the valves.
The important thing is to have in place an effective marketing research
system that gives you the confidence to move in the right direction
for the right reason.

The Product (or Service)
When consumers think about using a product or service, they consider
its advantages and disadvantages. In other words, they ask, What's
in it for me? Therefore, it is not enough to define your product
and its features; other questions must be answered. Think first
of your perception of your product or service and then find out
how your customers see it. Ask yourself questions such as
- What is a description of our product or service?
- What image does it have in the market?
- What are its features and benefits?
- In the eyes of the consumer, is there a way for us to provide
our product or service more effectively?
- Where does our product or service fit in a product life cycle?
-- Introduction (maximum investment in development).
-- Growth (investment in marketing).
-- Maturity (maximize profits).
-- Decline.
-- Marketing decision -- At some point during this declining
stage, you must decide whether to invest more money in the product
(i.e., create a new and improved model requiring additional
investment and generating a new life cycle) or to discontinue
There are a number of pricing strategies you can use to achieve
your growth goal. Each has the potential of producing a profit,
and most are tied to the critical relationship of price-to-sales
volume and stock turnover. Some strategies you may want to consider
are listed below.
Price Skimming
This refers to the practice of charging high prices for the purpose
of maximizing profit in the short run. It works best when
- The product is unique and people are willing to pay extra just
to have it. There are trendsetters in society who always are looking
for something new and are willing to pay the price. A larger number
are followers, and they will buy your product if it is accepted
by the leaders. The followers, however, will not pay the higher
- The cost of development is high and there is a chance of early
obsolescence or imitation by competitors.
- You have a strong patent position, or your product would be
difficult to copy.
The real disadvantage of skimming is that it attracts competition.
Your competitors will soon figure out what you are up to, and the
high profit potential will encourage them to copy you. They may
produce cheaper versions of your product or style, referred to as
knockoffs in the market. Once you have meaningful competition on
price, your skimming days are over and you run the risk of ending
up with a warehouse full of products that cannot be sold at any
Penetration Pricing
The opposite of skimming is to introduce your product at such
a low price that you will quickly gain a large share of the market.
The purpose is to discourage competition. However, eventually you
will have to raise your prices to start making some profit and,
when you do, you will learn much about customer loyalty.
Buying a Market Position
A variation of penetration pricing is to buy your way into the
market with free samples or heavy coupons, for example, 50 cents
off on a 69-cent purchase. This tactic is usually used by big companies
because it takes considerable financial backing and it may be six
months or more before it starts to pay off. Small marketers can
use it to the degree they know what they are doing and can control
the process. Frequent follow-up is important to ensure samples are
not going to professional collectors but are reaching potentially
strong customers.
Loss Leader
This refers to promoting a few items at a sizable reduction to
attract customers. The idea is that the increased traffic will result
in greater sales of your regular-priced merchandise. The reductions
have to be on recognized brands and items purchased frequently enough
so customers know the prices and can recognize the savings. You
must keep switching leader items -- people are not going to buy
catsup four weeks in a row regardless of its price. The danger is
that you may develop a following of cherry pickers who will breeze
into your store, scoop up the specials and buy nothing else.
Multiple Unit Pricing
You can increase the size of your individual sales by offering
a meaningful discount for larger purchases. A liquor store usually
will offer a discount or throw in a free bottle of wine when you
buy a case. The same idea applies to the baker's dozen, a discount
on a set of tires or selling beer and soft drinks by the pitcher.
This is a good technique for building customer goodwill, but you
will not see your customers as often. The trade-off, of course,
is that you save time and money on containers and packaging, save
time by writing up fewer sales and, perhaps, can make your delivery
service more efficient by selling by the truckload. Variations are
two-fors, six-packs, cheaper by the
carton and bulk price.
Suggested Retail Pricing
This is the practice of selling at prices set by your suppliers.
It is convenient because many product lines are available prepackaged
and prepriced. However, you lose flexibility and must live with
a set percentage markup. (To combat this disadvantage, some suppliers
offer two-for-three options using the retail price). Because suggested-retail
or retail-price-maintenance plans are illegal in some states, the
practice usually is a loser. Using a slightly different strategy,
Panasonic published a minimum retail price list showing a higher
average retail; some stores use such gimmicks as compare at or nationally
advertised at to imply that the official price is at a certain point.
Discount Pricing
The discount store usually offers lower prices as a trade-off
for spartan interiors, lack of sales help and the efficiency of
central checkouts. These stores typically work on a 35 to 38 percent
markup compared to 42.5 to 45 percent for a department store. Since
discount stores depend on the efficiency of greater volume to cover
operating costs, they must maintain, or at least promote, good prices.
Full-cost Pricing
This pricing is calculated by adding the costs of the product
or service plus a flat fee or percentage as the margin of profit.
During inflation, you must keep track of your costs to make sure
that you are charging enough. In many business lines, owners have
come to realize that when they replace their stock, the wholesale
price has often risen above their retail price. If they do not raise
prices rapidly enough, they are faced with diminishing inventories
at a constant dollar investment or with having to invest more money
to restock their shelves at the constant level.
Keystone Pricing
This refers to the practice of setting the retail price at double
the cost figure, or a 100 percent markup. It is most common with
jewelry items and in specialty shops, high-ticket fashion shops
and department stores. Typically, the merchandise is subject to
drastic clearance markdowns on items that are slow sellers or held
past the season.
Price Lining
This is the technique used by most retail stores of stocking merchandise
in several different price ranges. A hardware store, for example,
may carry hammers in good, better, and best categories at $3.49,
$6.49 and $9.98, respectively, and a professional model at $17.95.
The theory is that people buy products with different uses in mind
and with different expectations for quality and length of useful
life. If you do not carry a range of prices, you may lose the customers
who cannot find the product at the right price. Price lining simplifies
buying and inventory control because you buy only for the price
levels that you know your customers will accept and eliminate those
goods that fall outside the levels you want to carry.
Competitive Advantage
Here is where you copy or follow the prices set by your competition.
Based on your service image, you can set your prices equal to, above
or below those of your competition. This strategy requires constant
vigilance by reading the ads and shopping your competition. It is
a more passive technique because you're always following your competitors.
Chances are your more aggressive competitor can make better purchases
than you. A variation of this is the we-won't-be-undersold routine,
where you offer to meet or beat the prices of all your competitors.
Pre-season Pricing
Many manufacturers offer price discounts or dated billing as incentives
to buy early. This is important to manufacturers because of production
planning and the lead time necessary for ordering raw materials.
For the retailer, the same principles apply; also, off-season specials
may be a way to profit in business on a year-round basis. When you
sell at a lower price to get the early sales, you may be borrowing
from later full price sales. On the other hand, anyone who has tried
to buy snow tires during the year's first snowstorm knows the extent
of delivery problems. In this case, early sales at a lower price
would have allowed the merchant to serve the customers better and
to capture sales that may be lost due to limited service facilities.
Price Is No Object
This refers to certain marketing situations in which the quality
of the product or service is far more important than the price.
If you need a kidney transplant, for example, you are not going
to shop around and haggle over price. And even if you do press the
doctor, he probably will quote you a range with a $5,000 spread
rather than giving a specific number. The same is often true with
high-ticket fashions and jewelry. Using the same psychology, expensive
automobiles and boats are not sold on price. They may use a starting
at or base price to get people interested, but the prices of the
options are usually in very small print. The extreme of this attitude
is that if you have to ask the price you probably cannot afford
the item anyway.
Where the product is located when the potential customer is exposed
to a buying opportunity can often mean the difference between success
or failure. The distribution plan for a given product may be determined
by several of the factors listed below.
Product Characteristics
- Perishability -- Refrigeration or frozen storage
requirements can severely restrict place options and raise operating
- Bulk -- A product requiring large display space,
or one that is heavy, may restrict transportation options as well
as display opportunities.
- Displayability -- Package design that prevents stacking
on store shelves can severely restrict customer exposure. (Log
Cabin syrup was originally packaged in slanted-roof metal containers.
As supermarkets placed increased value on shelf space for customer
selection, the inability to stack the log cabins forced a change
in package design.)
- Buying requirements -- If the item must be tried
on to determine fit or if it must be demonstrated before the sale
can be made, the place element is more restrictive than for a
product that requires no package opening at the time of purchase.
Customer Characteristics
- Impulse versus planned purchase -- Items displayed
in a high-traffic area can increase unplanned purchases.
- Frequency of purchase -- Items purchased once a week
usually require more outlets than those purchased once a year.
Grocery stores, for example, always outnumber retail furniture
- Distance -- How far is the customer willing to travel
to purchase your goods or services?
Use Characteristics
How the customer uses the product after purchase also can determine
place characteristics.
- Do you need to train the customer to use your product or supply
instructions or a repair parts list?
- Can you make more sales for service contracts, accessory items,
consumable supplies, repair parts or companion items?
For most small businesses, especially those involved in retail,
finding the best location at the lowest price becomes an important
consideration. You can draw customers to a poor location but the
cost of advertising is often prohibitive. You should learn how much
money you have to pay for the better location and see how that compares
to the cost of drawing the same number of customers to the poorer
location. Do not overlook parking, public transportation, quality
of the neighborhood, sign restrictions, lighting, traffic flow and
other factors that determine your store's convenience and safety.
Perhaps the most versatile of the five marketing Ps is promotion.
It covers all phases of communication between the seller and the
potential customer. It is versatile because a change in budget,
media or target audience can be made quickly. Promotions also can
be effectively changed for specific market segment efforts. Major
promotional concerns include the following.
Because promotional costs can originate from several sources,
it is vital to establish a written budget and closely monitor actual
costs. The budgeting procedure is simplified if separate budgets
are prepared for advertising and promotional activities. Sales goals
in dollars, units or both are usually the basis for promotional
Selling when the consumer wants to buy is a fundamental factor
in the marketing concept. Promotional efforts, whether in-store
or through mass media advertising, should be timed to coincide with
maximum seasonal or cyclical demand.
Distribution of Promotional Efforts
- Advertising -- The major portion of a firm's promotional
budget is advertising. Some advertising media, such as the Yellow
Pages, where a specific amount is charged each month, can be budgeted
as fixed advertising expenditures. The mass media -- newspapers,
radio, TV, direct mail and magazines -- should be individually
budgeted to achieve sales goals, improve your image and expand
your customer base.
- Promotion -- Many firms classify promotion as a separate
budget category. In this case, promotional efforts include in-store
displays, sampling, specialty advertising, giveaways and other
nontraditional media efforts.
- Publicity -- This is the no-cost element, meaning
there is no charge by the newspaper or other medium for carrying
a news release or feature. There will be an internal cost, however,
for the preparation of publicity releases and photography. Many
businesses miss publicity opportunities because they do not have
a written marketing plan. Every promotion or addition of personnel
is an opportunity for free publicity, but only if the news release
is prepared and sent to the media. Business expansion, remodeling,
automation or changes in product name all deserve a publicity
Promotion Strategy
All advertising and other promotional activities should be in tune
with the firm's stated position in the marketplace. This suggests
that not only advertising themes but also media selection must be
based on building and strengthening that position.
- Benefit approach -- Regardless of your media, to make
your marketing concept work in advertising messages you must analyze
each product and service in relation to these two elements:
-- Product point -- Those features built into the
product or service. Product points are usually highly touted
in advertising messages, but they are relatively ineffective
unless they are integrated with the second ingredient.
-- Benefit -- The advantage a customer receives after
purchasing the product. Your advertising should promise benefits
and make those promises believable by naming the product points
that will produce the benefits. For example, "You'll feel
better about your family's safety (benefit) when they are riding
on the new steel-belted radials from Armstrong -- thanks to
the interwoven blankets of steel embedded deep in the tread
(product point)."
- Media -- Consider many types of media in your promotional
-- Newspapers
-- Shoppers
-- Television
-- Radio
-- Billboards
-- Direct Mail
-- Magazines
A full discussion of these media is included under Media Available
to Advertisers.
In summary, the importance of promotion in the overall marketing
strategy suggests you devote time to its written plan and constantly
monitor the plan's performance. Be creative but avoid cuteness.
Stick to the benefit approach, and your customers will respond.
Your business's success will depend on your ability to persuade
others to take actions that will help them while also helping you.
This is referred to as a win-win situation. Both parties in the
transaction must receive a benefit in value or in satisfaction.
There are many buying motives that may bring a customer to your
Gain |
Utility |
Conformity |
Time saved |
Productivity |
Saved effort |
Health |
Convenience |
Money saved |
Comfort |
Happiness |
Need |
Protection |
Pride (vanity |
Want |
Pleasure |
Fear |
Economy |
Amusement |
Love |
Luxury |
Security |
Profit |
Safety |
The key to successful selling is to determine which motives brought
the customer to you and then develop a sales presentation that will
convince the customer that you and your product can meet those needs.
This process can be broken down into a series of steps:
- Prospecting -- This is the activity of identifying
potential customers or running ads to entice people into your
- Pre-approach -- This includes planning what you will
say to customers and what evidence or displays you will need to
enhance your presentation.
- Approach -- This may include a greeting, statement
of objective or series of questions to determine exactly what
the customer wants. Learn as much as possible about the customer
and his or her buying motive before you begin your presentation.
- Presentation -- This is the opportunity to tell customers
everything they need to know to make an intelligent buying decision.
- Dramatization -- Show enthusiasm for your product
or service.
- Proof -- Words may not be enough. You may need to
show facts and figures, endorsements, testimonials or other means
of backing up your claims.
- Visualization -- your customers visualize the satisfaction
they will derive from buying now.
- Demonstration -- If possible, let the customer experience
the product. Many items are difficult to sell without a test drive.
- Trial close -- This is a statement or question designed
to let you know how close the customer is to making a buying decision.
- Uncover objections -- Find out why the customer is
not ready to buy.
- Meet objections -- Go back over your presentation
to clear up misunderstandings or doubts the customer may have.
- Final close -- Ask a question that causes the customer
to make a buying decision in your favor.
- Follow-up -- This includes all the steps you take
to write up the sale, arrange delivery, receive payment and ensure
customer satisfaction.
The above process may be inefficient in many selling situations.
The genius and creativity of advertising is its flexibility in preconditioning
the customer and answering some objections. Certainly your reputation,
attitude and the atmosphere of the selling situation can do much
to alleviate fears or concerns in the mind of the customer. Your
best prospect often is a satisfied customer or the friend or relative
of a satisfied customer.
For many products or services, direct mail and telephone selling
can be used to complete the sale or to qualify prospects for a personal
Motivation is an essential ingredient in persuasion. You and your
employees must maintain a positive mental attitude. You must learn
to sell yourself, your company and your product. And your attitude
must be one of serving the customer first, with the realization
that your success depends completely on your ability to serve the
This section will concentrate on how to prepare a written, detailed
advertising budget. This differs from a budget that details specific
dollar amounts for anticipated receipts and expenditures, usually
handled by a certified public accountant (CPA) or other financial
advisor. These professionals seldom do more than allocate a specific
amount for advertising and treat it the same as rent -- i.e., as
an annual expense item.
Returning once again to the marketing approach, a sound advertising
budget should be based on consumer habits and preferences. Unfortunately,
most retail advertising today appears as an attempt to solve a store's
problems. Promotions reading We Are Overstocked, We Must Reduce
Inventory and Our Loss Is Your Gain are commonplace and do very
little to stimulate the reader to action. The first requirement
of successful advertising for the retail store is to work toward
solving the consumers' problems. This publication's approach to
preparing an advertising budget will, therefore, be based on the
following assumptions:
! Timing of advertising will be determined by consumers' preference
for buying rather than when the store would like to sell.
! Items to be featured in advertising will be selected on a
basis of probable popularity with customers rather than on a store's
desire to reduce inventory.
! Headlines and copy for advertising will always be customer-benefit
! Any medium will be selected on its ability to reach the right
prospects. Personal favorites and prejudices prevent objectivity
in media selection.
The complete advertising budget must provide specific written answers
to each of these questions:
! How much should I spend?
! When should I spend it?
! Where should I spend it?
! What media should I use?
How Much Should I Spend?
Since the cost of advertising must be paid from sales revenue,
it should always be expressed as a function of expected sales dollars.
The two most popular approaches are
1. The number of dollars considered necessary to successfully
promote the sale of a given item at a given price. (Example: $10
of the $300 selling price for each refrigerator will go to advertising
so that $3,000 in advertising should sell 300 units and produce
$90,000 in sales.)
2. A flat percentage of every anticipated revenue dollar will
go toward advertising. (Three percent of an estimated $100,000
annual sales volume will result in an advertising budget of $3,000.)
This section will concentrate on the second approach because it
allocates advertising costs for all product lines. Although fewer
than 50 percent of the items carried by most stores are never advertised,
their sale is the direct result of customer traffic created by the
advertised items and, therefore, all merchandise sold should contribute
to the overall cost of advertising.
Setting Sales Goals
In both approaches, the first step in preparing an advertising
budget must be setting sales goals. Just how many television sets
do you expect to sell in a month, a season, a year? Or what will
the retail sales volume for the entire store be in each time frame?
Setting sales goals can be a guessing game, but basic research
into past sales performance, the quantity and quality of competition,
the economic forecasts for your area and characteristics of the
population in your market area can help make the guess an educated
one. The U.S. Department of Commerce publishes statistical information
about consumer expenditures, retail sales and expense statistics.
An hour or two spent in the government publications section of your
local public library can pay big dividends. Another source for statistical
data is the business association that serves your industry.
Although the first sales goal you set will be an annual figure,
monthly sales goals can never be determined by merely dividing the
annual figure by 12 months. One of the certainties of marketing
is that consumer habits change constantly. Yet those very changes
make the consumer predictable since there is a predictable pattern
of consumer desire for almost every known commodity. While this
consumption pattern may vary from month to month, the annual pattern
repeats itself with remarkable consistency. The chart shown in Appendix
B will give you an idea of the variation in annual sales patterns
for just a few stores. For example, while the average retail jewelry
store can expect 23 percent of its annual sales volume in December,
the lumber yard or building materials store can expect only 8 percent
of its annual sales during the same month. The figures on the chart
represent average figures from stores of all sizes and from all
parts of the United States. They have been recorded and averaged
for five consecutive years, so your store's actual percentages may
vary slightly.
Your next step after setting an annual sales goal is to determine
what percentage of that annual volume you should anticipate for
each calendar month. You may elect to use the national figures for
your industry, but using your actual sales figures will give much
more reliable numbers. To determine what percentage of your annual
sales were achieved in any given month, merely divide that month's
dollar volume by the annual dollar value and multiply that amount
by 100. Your monthly share of sales percentages will be even more
accurate if you compute it for each of your last three or four years
of sales and then average the percentages for each month. When you
arrive at your monthly percentage of annual sales, you can provide
a picture of the cyclical nature of your business by plotting the
percentage figures on the graph provided in Appendix C.
The worksheet in Appendix D will be the first step in preparing
a written advertising budget for your firm. Fill in the dollar volume
for your store for the last year in the upper right-hand corner.
Next, enter the annual sales goal you project for the coming year.
Remember to consider elements such as inflation, the condition of
both the local and national economies, any major changes in your
competition and changes you may have made in your store (e.g., expansion,
remodeling or the addition of new product lines or brands). Annual
sales estimates often are made on a sales-per-square-foot basis,
then converted to gross sales by multiplying the square foot index
by the total number of square feet devoted to selling space. Using
industry indices, you can calculate your share of the market by
comparing your sales with estimates of your competitors' sales.
The third item required at the top of Appendix D is the percentage
of gross volume you plan to invest in advertising.
Appendix E shows the average percentage invested by 74 different
industries including retail and service establishments. Remember,
these published numbers are average figures; your location, competition,
reputation and market area may dictate an adjusted percentage of
sales for advertising. If your firm is new, you may want to double
the average percentage figure during the first year just to establish
By multiplying the projected volume for the planned year by the
percentage allocated for advertising, you will arrive at the dollar
amount of the advertising budget for the year. You have answered
the question, How much should I spend?
When Should I Spend It?
Although you know how much money you plan to invest in advertising,
your budget also must indicate how much of that amount to spend
during each of the 12 months. Do this by transferring the figures
you plotted in Appendix C to the first column of Appendix E -- these
are the same figures. Then multiply the projected volume for the
year by the percentage figures for each month and insert the results
in column two of Appendix D. You now have refined your annual dollar
sales goal into a dollar goal for each calendar month.
The final column in Appendix D can be completed in one of two
ways. You can multiply the percentage figures in column one times
the projected total advertising budget or multiply the projected
monthly sales figures by the annual advertising percentage rate.
Either procedure will give identical figures for the projected monthly
advertising budget column. The completed Appendix D will give you
a written guideline that includes your monthly sales goal and monthly
advertising budget. If your business is a one-product type, this
simple worksheet could serve as your total budget preparation guide.
You should regularly monitor your firm's actual performance against
these projected goals, and when there appears to be a deviation
from the goals, reevaluate the original goals and perhaps adjust
them upward or downward.
Where Should I Spend It?
Many firms, especially in the retail field, cannot settle for
only the data in Appendix D since, over the years, they may have
added several departments with their own sales patterns. The worksheet
in Appendix F is designed to target monthly advertising dollars
toward the department or item where they will be most productive.
Preparation of this worksheet begins with another review of your
firm's past sales records. The left-hand portion of the worksheet
provides space to record the relative monthly importance of each
of three departments. Make up a sheet to provide for the number
of departments in your firm and divide the total volume for each
month by each department's volume and multiply by 100. This will
give you the percentage importance of each department to the total
store volume. The totals for all the departments should equal 100
percent for each month.
Figures for the total ad budget column are merely transferred
from the third column in Appendix D. Since being unpredictable is
perhaps the most predictable of all human traits, we recommend that
you build in some flexibility. In this example, the worksheet calls
for saving 10 percent of each monthly advertising budget as a reserve
fund. This fund will not be used during the year but will be held
back for contingency use. It will be nice to have if a 12-inch snowstorm
hits the day after your full-page ad appears!
The net media budget column is completed by subtracting the reserve
figures for each month from the numbers in the advertising budget
column. Finally, complete the columns labeled Departments A, B and
C by multiplying the percentage figures on the left side of the
page by the figures in the net media budget column. For example,
if Department A in your store did 40 percent of the store's total
volume in January, you would multiply the net media budget figure
for January by 40 percent and enter that figure under Department
A on the right side of the worksheet. When this worksheet has been
completed, you will have a written guide telling you when each advertising
dollar should be spent and on which department (or item) it should
be spent. If you prepare and follow the
breakdowns in Appendixes D and F, your advertising will be timed
to solve consumer problems by matching your maximum expenditures
with maximum consumer desires.
What Media Should I Use?
The final step in preparing your advertising budget is to allocate
advertising dollars to specific media by using the worksheet in
Appendix G, the Media Budget Allocation Form. The worksheet provides
a special column for fixed advertising expenditures. Because the
monthly costs of advertising in the Yellow Pages, other directories
and outdoor advertising signs are fixed costs, they should be subtracted
from your net media budget before the remaining dollars are assigned
to newspapers, radio stations and other media. The advantage of
completing this worksheet is that you will have your total advertising
expenditure for an entire year on one sheet of paper.
Preparing these worksheets may seem tedious, but the effort will
be well worth your time. If you have a computer, create the budgeting
format on your terminal. Automating this procedure will provide
a system for tracking the actual sales performance against your
targeted goals. Remember, when actual performance deviates from
projected performance over a two- or three-month period, it is time
to seriously reevaluate the original sales goals. Performance below
projected goals, if it continues, will increase the percentage of
sales your advertising is costing while continued sales performance
above projected goals may justify higher advertising expenditures.
Whether or not you use the forms presented here, take the time
to prepare a written advertising budget for your firm that is based
on future sales goals rather than on past years. You will notice
the difference where it really counts -- in profitability!
Appeal to Consumers' Needs
Human behavior, according to psychologist Abraham Maslow, is always
the result of one or more of five basic needs or motivating forces.*
Maslow classified these in a sequence he refers to as the hierarchy
of human needs.
His theory is that until a lower-ranking need is satisfied there
is no desire to pursue a higher-ranking need. Below are the five
human motivators, beginning with the basic or lowest-ranked need
and continuing to the highest.
1. Physiological needs -- Include hunger, thirst, reproduction,
shelter, clothing, air and rest.
2. Safety-security -- The need for security, stability, dependence,
protection, structure, order, law, tenure, pension and insurance.
3. Love-belonging -- The need for belonging, acceptance, love,
affection, family and group acceptance and friendship.
4. Self-esteem -- The need for recognition, respect, achievement,
responsibility, prestige, independence, attention, importance
and appreciation.
5. Self-actualization -- The need for satisfaction, the desire
to achieve fulfillment through reaching self-set individual goals
or aspirations.
The advertising practitioner will do well to become familiar with
the Maslow theory of human motivation because it stresses once again
that motivation is always an individual act. The most your advertising
message can hope to do is to present an appeal strong enough to
stimulate action toward satisfying one of the basic human needs.
If there is one rule that will be most helpful in preparing effective
advertising, it is this: The message must put the desire of the
potential customer before the advertiser's desire. Please read that
one more time! The rule may sound like a simple one to follow, but
frequently advertising messages take the form of a plea to customers
to respond and solve the advertiser's problem.
Visualize the felt tip pen you probably use every day. When it
was manufactured the raw materials were converted into these product
features: a plastic barrel, a plastic cap, a supply of ink, a felt
tip and a metal pocket clip. These are the total product points
in the felt tip pen. What's amazing is that none of those things
have anything to do with why you will buy the pen! You buy any item
only for how it will benefit you. The key, of course, is benefit.
Effective advertising must promise the consumer some benefit he
or she will receive after buying the goods or services advertised.
Product features should be cited only to make the promised benefits
believable. Here is an example of how you can advertise the felt
tip pen by promising benefits and then using the product features
to make promised benefits believable.
- You can drop this pen on concrete from 20 feet in the air and
it will not break because it is made of a strong plastic.
- You can draw a jet black line for more than 100,000 yards,
thanks to the large supply of quality ink.
- This pen will not leave an ink stain on your shirt or in your
purse, thanks to the snug-fitting plastic cap.
- When you bend over this pen will not fall from your pocket
because it features a strong spring steel clip.
Although this technique appears logical, many advertisements ramble
on and on with all the product features while the potential customer
asks, What will it do for me?
Using the benefit approach can be simplified by preparing a worksheet
on which each product you plan to advertise is dissected into (1)
the benefits the buyer will enjoy by owning this product and (2)
which product features will help convince the potential buyer that
the promised benefits are likely to
be true. Using the benefit approach is the best advertising technique
for each advertising medium. It is also the selling technique used
by all top salespeople. Practice it -- it works!
Techniques in Presenting the Advertising Message
The buying decision is seldom a purely rational one -- emotions
influence your behavior. As you explore various techniques for presenting
your advertising message, do not ignore psychological and emotional
appeals. For example, red, a strong color suggesting excitement,
increases reader interest when used in sales ads. While the principles
discussed here relate most specifically to print ads, they can apply
to all media.
Determining Layout Shape and Design
Behavioral scientists have determined that of all the rectangular
shapes, the vertical rectangle of approximately three units wide
by five units deep is the one the public is exposed to most and,
therefore, the one people find most comfortable. The advertising
world refers to this shape as the golden rectangle of layout. It
is believed that an advertising message receives higher readership
when presented in this size.
In Appendix H is a drawing of this three-unit by five-unit shape.
Notice the dot on the vertical center line, one-third of the way
from the top of the ad. This is called the focal point. It is the
point to which the eye is attracted first, at which the eye enters
the ad. Next, note the wavy line extending from the upper left-hand
corner of the ad to the lower right-hand corner. This reverse s
is the path that the eye follows, called the gaze motion path. Your
objective should be to reinforce the ease with which the eye can
follow this path. How you place elements of your ad can invite the
reader's eye to follow this path or to leave your ad completely
before getting your message. If your artwork, for example, is located
near the curves in the gaze-motion pattern, it will invite your
reader to leave the ad at that point and turn the page. The gaze
motion also reinforces the principle that the best place for a headline
is at the top of the ad where the reader starts the visual journey
through the ad. The worst place for your logo is the lower left-hand
corner; the eye prefers to leave the ad at the lower right-hand
corner, so your logo will have greater impact there.
The dotted lines divide the ad into vertical and horizontal halves
to stress balance in your layout. Formal or symmetrical balance
occurs when the elements on the left side of the vertical center
line are in the same position and of the same size or density as
corresponding elements on the right side. This formal balance is
not as interesting to the eye as informal or asymmetrical balance,
obtained by balancing weights on one side of the center line with
weights of varying densities at greater or lesser distances from
the center line on the other side of the ad. Visualize ad balance
as being similar to a see-saw where weight near the outer end of
the board can be balanced by heavier weights nearer the fulcrum
on the other end of the board. In designing your ad layout, place
illustrations, copy blocks, headlines and other elements so they
appear balanced without formality.
Communicating Desired Layout to Printer
In submitting any printed advertising message to the media, the
only way to ensure that your ad looks the way you intended is to
provide adequate instructions. Layout means blueprint to the typesetter
or printer. Your layout should be a full-size replica of what you
want the finished advertisement or brochure to look like. Here are
some guidelines to use in preparing layouts.
1. A layout should accurately indicate where all parts of the completed
message are to be located with respect to the borders. This must
include the location and approximate, if not actual, dimensions
of all artwork.
2. There are five parts to a comprehensive layout:
- Headline -- Print all headlines right on the layout sheet,
making the headline fill the width you want. Give the printer
a close approximation of the desired type size by the size of
your lettering. On each line, put the exact words you want to
appear and use capital letters or upper and lower case letters
the way you want the type set.
- Illustrations -- Use a copy machine, if possible, and paste
a copy of any artwork or photograph on the layout sheet where
you want it to appear. If you plan to reduce or enlarge the artwork,
show the finished height, width and the location on the layout
- Copy -- Copy refers to the text in your advertisement. Do
not letter in the copy on your layout sheet. Use two parallel
lines to represent each line of copy and draw these lines in the
exact position on the layout sheet. These parallel lines should
show whether you want the copy set flush on both right and left
margins or if you prefer a ragged edge on the right margin (see
Figure 2). Each block of copy should be positioned properly on
the layout sheet and then should be keyed, i.e., assigned a circled
letter of the alphabet that matches a separate block of copy supplied
on copy sheets. Copy sheets should be typewritten, double-spaced
and should include all words and prices to be typeset, including
any headlines you have lettered on the layout. Leave a two-inch
left margin on the copy sheet to give the mark-up person space
to code for type style and size.
- Price -- It is generally a good idea to letter your prices
right on the layout if they appear anywhere other than within
regular copy lines. Show the price as it should appear, including
the relative size of the cents to dollars portion of the price
and any dollar or cent signs you want used.
- Logo -- The logo is your firm's name, whether you have a standard,
exclusive design or you merely want your name set in type. Let
the layout show the desired location and size. It also is helpful
to letter in your address and phone number. If you have a logo
design, do not paste the original art work on the layout. Make
a copy and paste the copy in the desired position. Ask the printer
to make a photo reproduction (PMT) of your logo and keep the original
artwork for future use.
In addition to these key elements, your layout also should contain
instructions, written outside the ad borders and circled. A line
from an instruction circle may lead to the specific area within
the ad if it helps clarify instructions. Instructions should include
the dimensions of the ad stated in inches (width depth). For a newspaper
ad, the width should be stated in columns and the depth in inches
or lines, depending on the paper's policies. Other instructions
can include the insertion date, reference to the enlargement or
reduction of artwork, the names of typefaces desired and special
typesetting requests. Remember, your layout will serve as the blueprint
for your ad. The finished product can be only as effective as the
original layout. The copysheet that accompanies your layout also
should contain the size of the ad and the insertion date. Use a
paper clip rather than stapling the copy sheet to the layout. This
will prevent tearing when the two sheets are separated for production.
Strengthening the Elements of Your Advertisement
Since the headline is the first contact your readers have with
your message, it must reach out to them. Promise them a benefit.
Tell them how they will be better off if they read the rest of the
ad. Use action verbs. Save ten dollars is a stronger heading than
Savings of ten dollars because of the verb.
Headlines can be classified into the following five basic types;
effective headlines frequently combine two or more of these kinds.
News Headlines
This form tells the reader something he or she did not know before.
Using the word news does not make it a news headline. Now -- a copy
machine that copies in color is an example of this type headline.
Advice and Promise Headline
Here you are promising something if the reader follows the advice
in your ad. Switch to Amoco premium, no-lead gasoline, and your
car will stop pinging.
Selective Headline
This headline limits the audience to a specific group. For example:
To all gray-haired men over forty. Caution! Be absolutely sure you
do not eliminate potential customers with this type of headline.
Curiosity Headline
The intent here is to arouse the reader's interest enough to make
him or her read the ad. The danger is that this headline often appears
cute or clever and fails in its mission. An example: Do you have
trouble going to sleep at night?
Command or Demand Headline
Watch out for this one as most people resist pushiness, especially
in advertising. Do it now! or Buy this today! This headline generally
can be improved by changing to less obtrusive wording such as: Call
for your key to success!
One common misconception about headlines is that they must be
short and easy to understand. This is not always true. Here is a
headline that was used extensively in print ads by Ogilvy and Mather
for one of their clients: At 60 miles an hour, the loudest noise
in this Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.
There are three primary reasons for using illustrations in an advertisement.
- To attract attention to the ad.
- To illustrate the item being featured.
- To create a mood in the mind of the reader.
Everyone has heard, A picture is worth a thousand words; in advertising,
the illustration frequently helps the reader visualize the benefits
promised. You can almost feel the warmth of the tropical sun when
you see the photos in January travel ads. Cost and practicality
may dictate whether your ad uses photographs, artists' drawings
or merely canned artwork. Any of these can make the ad more appealing
to the reader's eye.
If you follow the three principles of good copy, your ads will
be effective:
- Good copy should be clear.
- Good copy should be crisp.
- Good copy should be concise.
Clear, crisp and concise . . . the three Cs of copywriting suggest
that the words in your advertising message merely do a good job
of communicating. Do not use big words when small words can make
your meaning clear. Use colorful, descriptive terms. Use the number
of words necessary to make your meaning clear and no more -- but
also no less! Selecting the right words is critical to the success
of the ads. Recent research conducted at Yale University found that
the following 12 words are the most personal and persuasive words
in our language.
You |
Discovery |
Safety |
Money |
Proven |
Results |
Love |
Guarantee |
Save |
New |
Easy |
Health |
Notice the overused word free is not on the list.
Should you or shouldn't you put prices in your ad? Yes! Yes! Yes!
Since price is the one factor that allows the consumer to determine
whether an item represents an adequate value, an ad without price
makes the buying decision difficult if not impossible for the reader.
Can you imagine how uninteresting your daily newspaper would be
if there were no prices on the food store ads or the department
store offerings? Yes, price belongs, and it belongs whether you
are advertising a home for $175,000 or a ballpoint pen for 49 cents.
Can you visualize the corporate logos for such firms as Chevrolet,
Ford, Playboy, Borden or Levi Strauss? There is an identification
advantage in developing a logo design exclusive to your firm. Using
a logo also helps give your advertising continuity. Use the logo
consistently on all printed pieces, including stationery. Use it
in Yellow Page advertising, on the side of your truck or company
car, on bags or boxes and anything else your customers or prospects
may see.
The typeface you use in advertising plays an important role in
how the message comes across. Printers are very knowledgeable about
typefaces and happy to help you make choices. A selection of typefaces
is illustrated in Appendix I.
If you understand the concept that advertising is a multiplication
of a selling conversation, then the basic ingredients of advertising
media are easier to grasp. First, there must be an audience. A newspaper
printed as a single copy could not function as an advertising medium
unless the single copy were passed from person to person to create
a worthwhile audience. (In that case, the advertiser probably could
go from one individual to another and be more effective while reaching
at least as many prospects in the same amount of time.) A potential
advertiser will require evidence that an audience does exist, and
will want to know the size and location of the audience, as well
as other characteristics.
The second ingredient on which an advertising medium can be evaluated
is its acceptance in the marketplace. Acceptance is related not
only to the total number of customers in an audience, but also to
the composition of that audience as compared to the target audience
of the advertiser. Advertising over a closed circuit television
program received only by occupants of nursing homes would not be
very profitable for a real estate firm attempting to sell starter
In addition to an audience's acceptance and size, the medium also
must have a usable frequency of exposure. Most retailers and other
local business establishments rely on their advertisements' reaching
potential buyers regularly, some even several times daily. A medium
with a once-a-year or even a once-a-month frequency might deserve
nothing more than a very small part of a retailer's advertising
budget. Remember, one way advertising functions is by repetition;
a commercial message increases in audience awareness after more
than one exposure.
Various advertising media will be examined from the standpoint
of these three basic ingredients: the audience (coverage) each enjoys;
the acceptance (impact) of the medium on the audience; and the ability
to expand its initial impact by being available more than once or
twice in a particular time frame (frequency).
Paid-circulation Newspapers
Almost every community has a newspaper. About 1,700 of the paid-circulation
papers in America are daily papers and several thousand additional
local papers are published weekly. Paid circulation means the audience
reached pays to have the paper delivered to the home or pays a per
copy price to pick it up at a newsstand or vending machine. Newspapers
are the most popular advertising medium for most local businesses.
Today's newspaper no longer enjoys its former role as the almost
exclusive source of news; that privilege applies only in those very
few areas not served by radio or television. Newspapers remain,
however, a strong factor in their sphere of influence. Below are
some characteristics of paid-circulation newspapers that make them
appealing to advertisers.
1. Most paid-circulation papers, both daily and weekly, reach
the majority of homes in their primary city or town.
2. The size of the audience is easy to determine and verify.
3. The newspaper offers a predictable frequency of publication:
once, twice or up to seven times a week.
4. Newspapers generally are bought by people representing all
segments of the population. High- and low-income families, urban
and suburban residents -- all are subscribers to the local newspaper.
5. Newspapers offer several options to advertisers. Large or
small ads, words alone or words with graphics, black and white
or color, news or specialized feature page positioning.
6. The printed advertising message has both permanence and desired
obsolescence. A reader can refer back to or even clip and save
your ad, yet tomorrow's edition is new and fresh and eagerly sought
by the same reader.
7. The newspaper is the only medium in which the audience also
advertise. The want ad or classified section of most newspapers
serves as a local marketplace where individual buyers and sellers
gather to trade their treasures and buy and sell each other's
8. Newspaper pasteup permits you to request special locations
for ads that tie in with your market segments. Sports, business,
society, food and news are the most common sections.
There are limitations to the newspaper as an advertising medium.
1. You could possibly miss potential customers who choose not
to have the paper delivered.
2. Your advertising message must fight for the reader's attention.
There may be hundreds of ads in one paper, as well as dozens of
articles and features for the reader to spend time on. If the
total time spent with a newspaper is only 20 minutes or so, as
some surveys have found, you can see the odds against your one
ad reaching a really significant number of subscribers.
3. To some advertisers, another limitation of newspapers is
the time required to get the message into the reader's hand. The
advertising deadline for some sections of large metropolitan papers
may be one week or more in advance of publication date.
Advertising in newspapers is always priced by units of space. Rates
for classified advertising may be priced per word or per line while
display ads (the bordered ads that frequently contain illustrations
as well as words) are usually priced per column inch or agate line.
A column inch is a space one column wide by one inch deep. The agate
line is 1/14th of a column inch. The cost of newspaper advertising
is determined by the size of the circulation, the degree of the
paper's dominance in the marketplace, and by the increasing costs
of newsprint, ink, labor and transportation. The paid-circulation
paper is the oldest of the mass media and continues to be the largest,
as measured by volume of advertising dollars. It is used by industry
giants as well as the corner drugstore. As a retailer or other small
business owner, some of your advertising budget will most likely
end up in your local paid-circulation newspaper.
Free-distribution Newspapers
Although far from new (the first newspapers in our country were
distributed free), today's free-distribution paper is different
from paid-circulation newspapers. Although the shopper type papers
contain mostly advertising and little feature material, they remain
a highly productive advertising medium in hundreds of cities and
towns. Many of the earlier shoppers have grown into full-fledged
newspapers with news, comics and features, and a frequency of delivery
that approaches seven days a week. They offer the advertiser most
of the advantages of paid-circulation papers, including the permanence
of print, the versatility of color and graphics, and high readership
of personal want ads. One advantage over paid-circulation papers
is their ability to reach a very high percentage of the market area.
Because they are free, they are delivered to every home. If readers
like what they read, they soon come to depend on the paper. Studies
show penetration and acceptance by more than 90 percent of the residents
in the circulation area of free-distribution papers.
To verify the number of papers delivered, publishers of free-distribution
papers may employ auditing firms to come into the delivery area
and certify the number of copies printed, the number of carriers
used and the number of households that regularly report receiving
a paper. Many of these papers have audited proof of coverage approaching
100 percent of the homes in their markets.
The phenomenal growth of free-distribution papers in recent years
is related to the increased sophistication of marketing and advertising
technology. The computer made possible the measurement of sales
in market share. Not only do today's merchandise movers target to
sell more of their products each year, but also to sell them to
ever larger shares of the total population in each area. Since daily
and weekly paid newspapers often do not reach a substantial number
of consumers, the total coverage concept of the free-distribution
papers has proven they have outgrown their reputation as throwaways!
Today, Sears, K-Mart, JC Penney and dozens of smaller department,
discount, food and apparel chain organizations regularly use the
free-distribution papers for total coverage of certain market areas.
Another growing function of the free-distribution papers is their
ability to serve as the distribution vehicle for advertisers' own
preprinted flyers, sections or merchandise catalogs. Many publishers
will custom design for your special promotion a delivery system
that will deliver the preprinted section to every home within a
specified area, such as the 12 square blocks immediately surrounding
your business.
If there is a free-distribution paper in your market area, it
deserves an inquiry. Advertisements in it may prove to be the most
effective dollar invested in your advertising budget.
Direct Mail
We would be remiss not to mention the U.S. Postal Service and
its ability to deliver your advertising message. The direct mail
advertising message can be highly personal and powerfully effective.
You know how saturated your home mailbox is with nothing to buy
contests giving you chances to win new houses, cars, world cruises
and big checks for every month as long as you live. While there
is no obligation for you to buy anything, there is always something
available for sale -- subscriptions, books, records, videos, personal
products, real estate -- usually at discounted prices. The giveaways
are possible only because enough people are tempted by what is available,
and what they buy can be traced to direct mail advertising. In almost
every business there is an opportunity for increased business through
intelligent use of direct mail advertising.
Because the per-piece cost of direct mail is much higher than
most forms of print, it must be used carefully, selectively and
efficiently. Mailing lists are difficult to prepare, expensive to
buy and are partially obsolete the day after they have been completed.
Because people die, move away or get mad at you at an alarming pace,
keeping an accurate mailing list is not easy. Still, direct mail
can be an efficient way to deliver a sales message to a specific
target audience. If your audience is composed of doctors, lawyers,
dentists or school teachers, for example, only direct mail offers
you the chance to direct your ad to that target audience with no
waste circulation. Direct mail also makes couponing and sampling
practical. It can help isolate advertising response to one segment
or another and compare returns in one area with those in another.
The most critical part of any direct mail program is the mailing
list. Keep a list of all your customers, either by asking them to
fill out a mailing list card or by taking their names off the checks
you receive each day. Hold contests to get your customers to fill
out an entry form. As your list grows, you may need to buy a computer
or hire a mailing firm to keep the list current and to prepare mailing
Print media also include magazines. While most national magazines
are not practical as an advertising medium for local businesses,
some local magazines may be. City magazines are now published in
hundreds of cities and towns. They may look as sophisticated as
their national counterparts, and they are edited to local tastes.
They use color, photography and professional writing and editing
to create high-interest stories about people, places and things.
They frequently are distributed free to certain people on special
lists restricted to higher income families. In this way they can
reach relatively exclusive audiences, but the frequency of publication
(usually monthly) restricts their use as a basic medium.
Many regional and national magazines include classified ad sections
that may be useful for promoting the availability of a catalog or
for selling individual products.
The advantage of magazines is that they have highly defined readerships
that allow you to focus on specific market niches. If, for example,
you run an ad in a boating magazine, you can be fairly sure the
people who subscribe either own a boat or are looking for one. The
Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS) publishes a complete listing
of all the magazines that serve particular market interests; it
is available in the business section of most libraries.
For many small businesses, a printed brochure may be helpful to
establish credibility and tell your story in more detail. Computer
typesetting and laser printing have reduced the cost of producing
a brochure. Free layout help is available at many copy centers.
You can keep your costs down by using standard 8.5x11 inch paper
and by using a triple-fold design that will fit into a standard
business envelope.
Other Local Print Media
Don't overlook drop-point media such as booklets available for
free pickup in high-traffic areas like convenience stores, banks
and motels. These may include guides to local television programs,
listings currently available from real estate firms, entertainment
or sporting events. Evaluate each booklet on its ability to provide
enough value to justify using it.
In America, 280 million people own more than 300 million radios!
Only radio can take your advertising message to people while they
ride bicycles, walk in the park, ride in cars or climb mountains.
Radio brings a sense of urgency to its listeners that is second
to none. Contrary to the predictions of doom during the advent of
television, radio is alive and well today, and radio advertising
is a major part of the plan for advertisers of every size and description.
In its pre-television days, radio was the national advertisers'
most economical way to communicate with millions at a time. Syndicated
programs of music, drama and news were a common part of the American
life-style. With the advent of television, radio moved to the automobile
and the beach.
Along came the transistor and radio moved to the shirtpocket. Today
radio is everywhere. Millions awake to the sound of clock radios,
and for many the radio is the last sound they hear before going
to sleep. How can a small business use this sound-only medium for
effective advertising? Only by understanding it and capitalizing
on its strengths.
Today's radio station is judged on its effectiveness not only
by the number of its listeners, but also who those listeners are.
Many of today's stations have positioned themselves to reach a selective
audience instead of a total market. In one marketplace, one station
may play only country-western music, another rock music, a third
only religious music, while others feature 24-hour news broadcasts
or talk shows. As an advertiser, format programming allows you to
buy advertising on stations whose listener characteristics most
closely coincide with the profile of your firm's customers. Buying
time on a given station also can help you reach audience segments
that you may want to target to help expand your firm's total market
Radio advertising is sold on the basis of time. That time can
vary from an entire program, which includes your commercial announcements,
to spot announcements ranging from 10 to 60 seconds. Price ranges
are higher during drive time (the hours in the morning and evening
when the maximum number of people are in their cars going to or
from work, school or other daytime activities) and lower during
the time when more people are watching television. Most stations
offer package rate plans with a specified number of commercials
guaranteed within a particular time slot. Also, consider buying
flights of commercials, i.e., an intense saturation of 30-second
or 1-minute spots in a relatively short period of two or three weeks.
Repeat this flight technique during key promotional times of the
The sounds you can employ on radio include not only the monologue
of a man's or woman's voice, but dialogue and dramatic conversations,
vocal and instrumental music, and sound effects of every imaginable
nature, used individually or in combinations. The size of radio's
audience, like the circulation of newspapers, is audited by independent
organizations and available to advertisers through station sales
representatives. Arbitron, one of the auditing firms, conducts its
survey by having a sample number of households keep a written diary
of the radio listening habits of each occupant during a predetermined
period (usually one week). Arbitron then summarizes the various
stations' listeners by time of day in 15-minute segments by sex
and age of listener. An advertiser can use the Arbitron data to
select the station or stations that best cover the desired target
Radio advertising frequency is as high as you can afford. Many
stations now broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The number
of commercial minutes any station can air in each segment of programming
is limited by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), but there
is still the opportunity to have a message repeated frequently in
any given period. It is also possible to have the radio station
come to your business for a remote broadcast with customer interviews,
prize giveaways and other crowd-drawing techniques.
Watching TV is the most common leisure activity in our country
today; many surveys report average daily television viewing time
as high as five or six hours. It is no wonder it has grown into
a giant advertising medium. Television always has been a popular
medium for large retailers, but its effective use by small- and
medium-size businesses is becoming more popular because of lowered
production costs and the ability of cable TV to reach smaller market
The power of television is its ability to appeal not only to sight
and hearing simultaneously, but also to strengthen that appeal by
the dimensions of movement and the realism of full color. If you
have invented a new product, TV advertising can show and tell many
people about it and actually show them the benefit of ownership.
Since they saw how it works and the package it comes in, customers
will recognize it when they are at the store and be psychologically
reminded of how it works and how great it would be to have it. If
the hammer had never been invented until you came along, just imagine
the number of words in print advertising it would take to equal
the effectiveness of a 60-second television spot during which a
hammer pounded a nail to fasten one piece of wood to another!
Television advertising is sold by the time the message takes.
There may be additional charges for writing, talent, props, on-location
filming, music and editing. Audience loyalty is a disadvantage in
TV advertising. The audience tunes to a given channel for entertainment
they know they will find at a particular time. If a football game,
popular movie or some other preferred form of entertainment appears
on another channel, the viewer does not hesitate to change channels
without leaving the couch. While viewers are loyal to the entertainment
value of television, they show very little loyalty to the station
itself, especially as cable can bring 40 to 50 viewing alternatives
into the home. Viewers, however, do tend to have favorite news,
weather and sports telecasting personalities, which can influence
the size of your audience and its consistency during certain time
Other developments that could affect television advertising are
the availability of many different stations through cable companies,
all-shopper channels, all-sports channels, all-news stations, the
use of home television screens as monitors for in-home computer
and game systems, and the popularity of video movie cassettes. All
of these may reduce the size of the audience a television station
can guarantee its advertisers.
Many rating services measure the size of television audiences.
National programs are measured daily and a station's audience size
can be estimated fairly well. Your local television representative
can explain television's penetration within the station's area of
dominant influence (ADI) and how that area may conform to your firm's
trade area.
Outdoor Media
Despite restrictive legislation, billboards and other outdoor
display signs still perform a strong advertising task in many areas.
Instant communication is the key to successfully using billboards.
Directed at drivers with only split seconds to divert their eyes
and to passengers who can at best get a fleeting glance, wordy or
complex messages are worthless. Photos or striking art combined
with a firm name and a one- or two-word headline or slogan are common.
Audience totals are determined by how many sign locations you
buy and the total traffic passing each sign. Outdoor advertising
is usually sold on a basis of gross rating point (GRP) evaluation.
The GRP of any medium is the number of persons exposed to a message
compared to the total number of persons that make up the market.
One shortcoming is that the same person may drive by the same billboard
three or four times a day and be counted as four separate people.
Your local outdoor sales representative can explain how many locations
are necessary for you to achieve 50, 75 or 100 gross rating points,
and what that exposure will cost you over varying time periods.
Other Media for Advertising
We could spend considerable time just trying to complete a list
of all the other ways a business can advertise and probably still
leave some out. Pencils and pens with your firm's name imprinted,
skywriting, business cards and even sandwich boards all can perform
an effective advertising role for some advertisers. You must evaluate
each one on its ability to get your sales message to the maximum
number of prospects in a believable manner and at a reasonable price.
No textbook or consultant can do the job for you. After you have
read and listened, go to your local media representatives and ask
for their help. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose
by putting your firm's best interest ahead of their desire to make
a sale.
One of the greats in the advertising business, David Oglivy, preached
this philosophy to would-be advertisers: Never run an ad unless
you have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP).* It's still a sound
philosophy. If you can substitute your competitor's logo in your
ad and it still makes sense, you are not going to get your money's
worth out of the ad. Having a USP, as it has come to be known, is
difficult with today's brand name merchandise and competitive pressures,
but it is important.
* David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising (New York: Random House,
Every item you advertise and every word and illustration you use
becomes a part of your firm's image. Your ability to develop a USP
depends on your knowing what you want your image to be and then
doing those things and only those things that reinforce that image.
A men's clothing store can become the store with fashions for
the man who thinks young. A nursery can create the image of the
home of the talked-to plants that will respond to you. A car dealer
can develop a following and a reputation for his automatic three-year
trade-in plan. Once you have arrived at a USP that you think will
appeal to your customers, translate the idea into a selling slogan
of three to ten words that can be used as the theme of your advertising
campaign. Use it consistently until our customers learn to associate
your business with the selling slogan.
But be careful. A few years ago Excedrin decided to position itself
as the headache remedy for many different kinds of headaches, like
headache No. 43 or No. 27. Their TV commercial showed the agony
of each headache by the number. What happened? People went to their
drugstores and said I
think I've got headache No. 43. Give me a package of Anacin. They
sold the concept of the headaches beautifully but not the exclusivity
of Excedrin as the best relief.
If you want to position your business in the marketplace, select
your target market. How old are they? What do they have in common?
What are their goals and ambitions? When you have learned all you
can about them, go back and learn more! Then start talking to them,
and only to them, in your advertising. Talk to them about themselves
and their desires. Then tell them how the goods or services you
sell are perfectly suited to helping them achieve those desires.
Timing Each Ad for Impact
While your budget will tell you how much you have to spend each
month, you must refine your plan to know how many ads will run each
week and on which days. In planning your ad insert schedule, be
aware that the best results are obtained by strengthening already
strong sales days, not by trying to make bad days better. If large
employers in your area have paydays on the first and fifteenth of
the month, time your advertising to coincide. If you use more than
one medium, attempt to coordinate your efforts by scheduling a radio
blitz to coincide with a big print campaign or special store event.
Using Color
Adding color to a black-and-white advertisement not only increases
readership, but can substantially increase the sales response. Retailers,
however, frequently use too much color in their ads. Remember, color
works because of its contrast with noncolor areas; use it in one
or two strong clustered areas rather than scattering it throughout
your ad. Keep in mind that colors also communicate psychologically.
Here are a few popular colors and their common associations.
- Red -- Suggests excitement, heat, strength and is a good color
to use in a sale ad.
- Yellow -- Conveys brightness, airiness, refreshment. Warning:
yellow gets lost on white paper, so always surround areas of yellow
with a border of black or another dark tone.
- Blue -- As a cold color, can convey formality and haughtiness
in its darker shades and fragility, daintiness and youthfulness
in the lighter tones.
- Orange -- A color of warmth, action, power.
- Green -- Another cool color, suggests cheapness and coldness
in its darker tones while conveying freshness and crispness in
its lighter shades.
- Purple -- A color of royalty and stateliness.
- Maroon -- Suggests luxury, solidity, quietness.
- Brown -- Implies age, wholesomeness, utility.
- White -- Means purity, cleanliness, chastity.
- Black -- Conveys mystery, strength, heaviness.
Research on the productivity of color in newspaper advertising
invariably shows increased readership as well as increased sales
from ads that use color. Adding color raises the cost of the ad,
but the increased results are substantially greater than the increased
Critiquing Your Ads
We can learn great lessons from the past. If your firm has been
running ads, dig out a few from a year or so ago and see how many
of these common no-no's you can find.
1. Does your ad contain words like our, I or other personal pronouns?
They are poor communicators, try using you and yours.
2. Is the ad uninteresting to look at overall? It may be balanced
too formally. Try using an odd rather than even number of illustrations
to help achieve informal balance.
3. Does your firm have a logo? Develop one so the name of the
firm is not just set in the same type as the rest of the ad.
4. Has your layout allowed the reader's eye to stray from the
preferred gaze-motion path? If your invitation to the eye causes
readers to leave your ad, you will not get them back.
5. Is your logo in the upper left corner or the lower right
corner of the ad? Those are the two best spots for it.
6. Does your headline promise the reader a benefit?
7. Is your copy clear, crisp and concise? Be sure to use the
product points that make the benefits you promised believable.
8. Have you used a headline in capital letters? Don't!
9. Have you told the reader what each item costs? It is very
difficult to reach a buying decision until the question "How
much is it?" is answered.
10. Does your ad contain any misleading statements? Any attempt
to misinform or mislead the reader may lead to a sale, but in
all certainty it will lead to lost customers and could lead to
court. Honesty is still the best policy.
As you continue to expand your business in the months and years
ahead, use the tips presented here. Prepare a budget and review
it frequently. Select your items for advertising to help solve consumer
problems and then present your advertising message as a form of
planned communication. Ask your media representatives for help in
understanding their product.
Maslow, Abraham. Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper
& Brothers, 1954.
Ogilvy, David. Confessions of an Advertising Man. New York: Random
H. Wolff, 1963.
Ogilvy on Advertising. New York: Random House, 1985. Weiss, Michael
J. The Clustering of America. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
If you are a business owner, these questions are for you. Have
you conducted your own private interview of customers? Have you
personally talked to at least 50 to 60 customers to find out what
they like or dislike about your business, products and service?
A personalized business survey is a simple thing to prepare and
implement. If you do it regularly, you can find when and where things
are breaking down in your service.
Use a piece of 8.5x11 inch paper with the following types of "yes"
and "no" questions:
1. Is the service we provide meeting your highest expectations?
not, what areas can we improve? _____ yes _____ no
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
2. Are we providing the brands and lines you want and expect? If
not, please list what is needed. _____ yes _____ no
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
3. Is our business clean and pleasant to be in at all times? How
can we improve it? _____ yes _____ no
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. Do you feel the business is truly a part of the community? _____
yes _____ no
5. Is it a friendly place? _____ yes _____ no
6. Are the prices competitive? _____ yes _____ no
7. Do you feel you are getting good values? _____ yes _____ no
You may want to include more specific questions, but the key is
to keep the survey short and to the point. Keep it personal by preparing
and signing it yourself. Leave room for written comments.
Questionnaires should not be stacked at the cash register for
casual distribution. Personally present them to customers along
with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
What can you learn from this? Plenty. What can customers learn?
Well, it shows you care and that is always a sales plus.
Percentage of the Year's Total Sales Each Month
(Five Year Average)

Source:U.S. Department
of Commerce

Projected Sales Volume By Months and Planned Monthly Ad
Previous year's gross
annual volume $__________
Projected volume for planned
year $__________
Percentage of gross volume
for advertising __________%
Projected total annual
budget for advertising $__________

Advertising and Promotion as a Percentage of Sales

Source: Advertising Age, August 17, 1981


Step 1: Transfer advertising
budget figures from Appendix D to Plan Portion
Step 2: List all fixed
monthly advertising expenses (example-- Yellow Pages)
Step 3: Determine percentage
of total budget to be allocated to each category
Step 4: Apply each media's
percentage share against net budget dollars and record dollar amounts.
Not Available in this format
Not Available in this format
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
The SBA offers an extensive selection of information on most business
management topics, from how to start a business to exporting your
SBA has offices throughout the country. Consult the U.S. Government
section in your telephone directory for the office nearest you.
SBA offers a number of programs and services, including training
and educational programs, counseling services, financial programs
and contract assistance. Ask about
- SCORE: Counselors to America’s Small Business, a national organization
sponsored by SBA of over 11,000 volunteer business executives
who provide free counseling, workshops and seminars to prospective
and existing small business people. Free online counseling and
training at
- Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), sponsored by the
SBA in partnership with state governments, the educational community
and the private sector. They provide assistance, counseling and
training to prospective and existing business people.
- Women’s Business Centers (WBCs), sponsored by the SBA in partnership
with local non-government organizations across the nation. Centers
are geared specifically to provide training for women in finance,
management, marketing, procurement and the Internet.
For more information about SBA business development programs and
services call the SBA Small Business Answer Desk at 1-800-U-ASK-
SBA (827-5722) or visit our website,
Other U.S. Government Resources
Many publications on business management and other related topics
are available from the Government Printing Office (GPO). GPO bookstores
are located in 24 major cities and are listed in the Yellow Pages
under the bookstore heading. Find a “Catalog of Government Publications
Many federal agencies offer Websites and publications of interest
to small businesses. There is a nominal fee for some, but most are
free. Below is a selected list of government agencies that provide
publications and other services targeted to small businesses. To
get their publications, contact the regional offices listed in the
telephone directory or write to the addresses below:
Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC)
The CIO offers a consumer information catalog of federal publications.
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Publications Request
Washington, DC 20207
The CPSC offers guidelines for product safety requirements.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
12th Street and Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250
The USDA offers publications on selling to the USDA. Publications
and programs on entrepreneurship are also available through county
extension offices nationwide.
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)
Office of Business Liaison
14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230
DOC's Business Liaison Center provides listings of business opportunities
available in the federal government. This service also will refer
businesses to different programs and services in the DOC and other
federal agencies.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
1 Choke Cherry Road
Rockville, MD 20857
Helpline: 1-800-workplace. Provides information on Employee Assistance
Programs Drug, Alcohol and other Substance Abuse.
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Employment Standards Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
The DOL offers publications on compliance with labor laws.
U.S. Department of Treasury
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20230
The IRS offers information on tax requirements for small businesses.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Small Business Ombudsman
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20480
Hotline: 1-800-368-5888
The EPA offers more than 100 publications designed to help small
businesses understand how they can comply with EPA regulations.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville MD 20857-0001
Hotline: 1-888-463-6332
The FDA offers information on packaging and labeling requirements
for food and food-related products.
For More Information
A librarian can help you locate the specific information you need
in reference books. Most libraries have a variety of directories,
indexes and encyclopedias that cover many business topics. They
also have other resources, such as
- Trade association information
Ask the librarian to show you a directory of trade associations.
Associations provide a valuable network of resources to their
members through publications and services such as newsletters,
conferences and seminars.
- Books
Many guidebooks, textbooks and manuals on small business are published
annually. To find the names of books not in your local library
check Books In Print, a directory of books currently available
from publishers.
- Magazine and newspaper articles
Business and professional magazines provide information that is
more current than that found in books and textbooks. There are
a number of indexes to help you find specific articles in periodicals.
- Internet Search Engines
In addition to books and magazines, many libraries offer free workshops,
free access to computers and the Internet, lend skill-building tapes
and have catalogues and brochures describing continuing education
Published - March 2010