Investment Costs - Are You Aware of Them?
By Ray Prince,
an Independent Financial Planner with Rutherford Wilkinson ltd.,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K.
rayprince at dsl pipex com
have visited this subject many times, but make no apology for doing
so again. If you currently have investments in Unit Trusts, Stocks
& Shares ISAs or Pensions, or are planning to do so, then reading
this article could save you a small fortune over, say, 10 - 20 years.
Let's take a look at the typical costs you are faced with when you
invest your money:
Initial Costs
This is the percentage of the investment that you pay up front and
is taken from the product you are investing in.
If you are using a Financial Adviser, we believe that the maximum
percentage you should pay is 4% of the amount you are investing,
with a sliding scale down to 1% for larger sums, regardless of which
type of 'product' (pension, ISA, etc) you are investing in.
Ongoing Annual Costs
These are not just the Annual Management Charge (AMC), typically
1.5%, but since there are also other administrative costs such as
trustee fees, legal and auditors costs etc, the figure to illustrate
these is known as a Total Expense Ratio (TER). This can be, say,
another 0.2%, and so you would think that the overall annual cost
is therefore 1.7%.
However, there is a missing cost which can double or even treble
(or more) this amount, and it is very unlikely you would ever know
about it, as the information tends to be buried in the paperwork
you receive.
These are costs that the fund incurs for trading - buying and selling
stocks - known as Portfolio Transaction Costs (PTC), OR Portfolio
Turnover Rate (PTR) and they are not included in the TER.
The more active a fund manager is buying and selling stocks, the
higher will be the costs incurred. They include:
Cost of Commissions - Stockbroker's charges for executing and then
clearing a trade Spread Costs - The bid / offer spread is the difference
between the prices at which shares can be sold and bought Market
Impact Costs - Costs which are incurred when the price changes as
a result of the effort to buy or sell that stock Cost of Tax - In
the UK there is stamp duty to be paid with trading Opportunity Costs
- This is the cost of a delayed or missed trade One of the amazing
things we find is that not only do investors not know about these
extra costs that have an impact on the returns you will receive,
but some financial advisers do not know about them either!
If you have an adviser, make sure you ask them what the Portfolio
Turnover Rate is on your funds.
So, how can you find out about these extra costs? Well, they are
in the fund's prospectus, and will show for the previous year what
percentage of fund assets were traded. The FSA estimates that a
100% fund turnover in an equity fund in a year would cost the fund
around 1.8 per cent. However, on a Fixed interest fund, costs tend
to be much lower.
Latest calculations from Financial Express Data has shown that the
average UK Equity fund to February 2009 showed a figure of 95% fund
turnover, meaning that these trading costs would add circa 1.7%
to the annual costs of the funds.
It should be noted that in some markets, such as Emerging or Far
East funds for example, the PTR rate can add much higher costs than
this, even as high as 9%. So why are these costs so important to
know about? Very simply they bring 'performance drag' to the way
your money grows. Let's add these costs up:
AMC - 1.5%
TER - 0.2% (say)
PTR - 1.7%
Total - 3.4% pa
So, your fund will have to perform at 3.4% pa to even stand still!
That is one of the main reasons why there has been a lot more interest
in index and passive funds, which have much lower PTRs, and usually
lower costs generally.
So how would the costs look on a typical passive equity portfolio?
We presume here that you would like guidance and advice on your
investments, and use a fee based wealth manager & planner who will
look at all your requirements, and have £150,000 to invest or transfer.
You might expect that this would be at least the same in costs,if
not more?
Well, they should look something like this:
AMC - 0.4%
TER - 0.2% (say)
Admin - 0.55%
PTR - 0.2%
Fee - 1.0% (financial Planner)
Total - 2.35% pa
As you can see, this service should work out with less costs, but
deliver far far more to you, the client. As mentioned in previous
articles, this includes advice such as why not spend more or pay
off debt etc.
When you perhaps read other articles on investing, costs are mentioned,
but the greatest emphasis is on performance. You will see adverts
in the press no doubt boasting of the last 12 months performance,
or that they were 'top quartile' for the last two years.
They want you to buy their funds because they 'outperform the market'.
However, as academic research constantly shows, very few funds do
this year in year out, and although you can LOOK BACK and see a
few funds that have done this out of thousands, try to do this LOOKING
As Ron Ross, Ph.D., writer of 'The Unbeatable Market' said - "Active
[investment] management is little more than a gigantic con game".
We feel that an adviser who is able to give you access to funds
with lower overall costs, and is able to deliver a better investment
experience on a sustainable basis should be rewarded for this.
Invariably, we can also tell a new client the growth rate they need
on their investments to achieve their goals that they have identified
with us. Nine times out of ten we can reduce the risks they are
currently taking, as the financial map we create gives us this capacity.
We believe achieving your goals whilst taking the MINIMUM risk is
a very sensible approach.
As an example of how 'performance drag' can affect the returns you
experience, a fund with costs that are, say, 1.5% per annum lower
over 20 years, and using a 7% gross projected growth rate, you would
find that the resulting fund would be around 30% higher.
The Financial Tips Bottom Line
Costs are a huge part of what you need to consider when investing
your money. Make sure you, or the adviser you are using, conduct
full research so that you can make a fully informed decision.
Nearly 100% of new clients we meet have these expensive active funds.
Learn about the Passive alternative for a better investment experience
and your peace of mind.
Look at your investments - do you know the costs you are paying
that will reduce your returns?
Ray Prince is an Independent Financial Planner with
Rutherford Wilkinson ltd, and helps UK Resident Doctors and Dentists
get the best deals on mortgages, protection and investments, as well
as helping them achieve their financial objectives. Just visit
to get your free retirement planning guide. Rutherford Wilkinson ltd
is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Published - March 2010