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France Banks Directory

ABN-Amro ABN AMRO was acquired by the consortium of Fortis, RBS and Santander in October 2007. On 3 October 2008, the Dutch state announced that it has bought Fortis Bank Nederland, including its interests in ABN AMRO. As of 24 December 2008, the Dutch state replaced Fortis as a stakeholder in RFS Holdings, which continues to manage ABN AMRO. RBS-bound businesses are not affected by this change.
AFUB Association Franзaise des Usagers des Banques Read 1 Reviews
AGF Private Banking AGF Private Banking place l'innovation au cњur de ses solutions d'investissement. Afin de rйpondre а la complexification croissante de l'environnement йconomique et financier, les йquipes d'AGF Private Banking peuvent vous faire bйnйficier de solutions d'ingйnierie financiиre et patrimoniale efficaces et personnalisйes.
Axa Banque AXA Bank is a credit institution under French law approved by the Committee of Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CECEI, 31 rue Croix des Petits Champs - 75001 Paris) as bank provider of investment services It is empowered to conduct all banking operations with the exception of the execution of orders on behalf of others, underwriting and placement.
AXA Bank is also empowered by the Financial Markets Authority for the performance of the transmission - reception of orders on behalf of others.
Finally, AXA Bank is empowered to exercise the function of custodian account - Conservative and mandated the Bank Cortal Consors to exercise, on behalf of the business account maintenance and preservation of financial instruments.
Banque Cortal Cortal (Paribas) : une gamme complиte de placements, services, conseils financiers. Vos ordres de Bourse sur Internet. Vos alertes sur tйlйphone portable ou e-mail).
Banque de France Central Bank of France.
Banque de l'Ile de France La Banque de l'Ile de France-B.D.E.I. propose une gamme de produits et de services йlargie aux entreprises et aux investisseurs
Banque d'Investissement et de Placements (filiale franзaise de Robeco Groep) A l'occasion du 40иme anniversaire de Robeco N.V. Participez au Grand Concours INVESTIR ROBECO.
Banque Directe The fist French direct bank.
Banque Finama Banque en ligne pour les particuliers et les institutionnels : prйsentation des produits et services - simulateurs, crйdit immobilier, impфts, PEA, assurance vie, bourse et placements.
Banque Franзaise de Crйdit Coopйratif Le Rйseau du Crйdit Coopйratif fйdиre autour de la Caisse Centrale 36 йtablissements de crйdit, dont le Crйdit Coopйratif (BFCC), BTP Banque, Crйdifrance Factor (affacturage), des йtablissements de caution mutuelle et de micro-finance, la banque EDEL ainsi que le Crйdit Maritime Mutuel.
Banque Nsmd Banque privйe, membre du groupe ABN AMRO. Spйcialiste de la gestion d’actifs, du conseil en ingйnierie patrimoniale et de la gestion globale de patrimoine.
Banque Populaire Group Banque Populaire Group is a French Group of Cooperative banks and it is controlled by 21 regional banks. In 2006, Groupe Banque Populaire has created a new company with another French cooperative banking group, Groupe Caisses d'Epargne in order to create Natixis. The new Investment Bank is the result of the spin-off of the two Investment Banks of the two groups: Banque Populaire's Natexis and Caisse d'Epargne's IXIS Corporate and Investment Bank. Natixis is equally controlled by the two groups.
Banque Privйe Europйenne (ex :BHE) (former Banque Hypothйcaire Europйenne) Une relation personnalisйe, un conseil sыr, des produits de crйdits ou de placements performants, c'est l'engagement BHE.
Banque Robeco spйcialiste europйen en matiиre de gestion, une gamme de fonds spйcialisй sur L'Europe.
Banque Sanpaolo Prйsentation de la banque (historique, chiffres-clйs, actualitйs, implantations). Descriptif de nos produits et services (particuliers et entreprises). Espaces rйservйs pour nos clients Institutionnels et nos partenaires....
Banque Scalbert Dupont Regional bank belonging to the CIC group.
Banque Transatlatique Banque de gestion privйe а vocation internationale. Filiale а 84% du groupe CIC а la fois banque de gestion de patrimoine, banque de dйpфts et banque de services.
Barep Filiale de la Sociйtй Gйnйrale, BAREP imagine et dйveloppe des systиmes d'intervention sur les marchйs financiers а fort effet de levier ...
BNP Paribas BNP Paribas (Euronext: BNP, TYO: 8665) is one of the main banks in Europe. It was created on 23 May 2000 through the merger of Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP) and Paribas. Together with Société Générale and Crédit Lyonnais (now known as LCL), it is one of the "three old" banks of France. It is a constituent of the CAC 40 index.
On 9 August 2007, BNP Paribas announced that it could not fairly value the underlying assets in three funds as a result of exposure to U.S. subprime mortgage lending markets. Faced with potentially massive (though unquantifiable) exposure, the European Central Bank (ECB) immediately stepped in to ease market worries by opening lines of €96.8 billion (then US$130 billion) in low-interest credit. The long term debt of the group is currently ranked AA+ by S&P, Aa1 by Moody's and AA by Fitch.
BRED Banque Populaire is a co-operative bank with 106,000 members.
The Bank has capital of € 341,437,500
It is the largest regional bank in the Banque Populaire Group.
It operates in the greater Paris region, Normandy, French overseas departments and territories and some neighbouring regions of its overseas operations.
Its 3,700 staff is dedicated to providing quality services.
The bank’s activities are evenly balanced between retail banking and banking services for large economic entities.
It is in particular acknowledged as a benchmark in flow management, conventional or electronic.
Committed to the regions where it operates
The Bank has a network of 347 branches and specialised centres, of which 320 local branches that build a lasting relationship with their customers on a daily basis by taking a global approach to covering their needs. BRED makes a major contribution to local development by financing regional businesses and individual projects.
Skill centres
The bank constantly seeks to improve service quality by creating skill centres and drawing on innovative technology.
It offers a range of interbank services using state-of-the-art Internet and electronic data exchange technologies.
A highly efficient bank
In 2008, the commercial banking division implemented an active strategy of conquest in all its markets. It achieved excellent performances, in particular with record growth (+33%) in lending to businesses.
Average outstanding loans grew by 16%.
Long-term development
In 2009, BRED will make every effort to continue diversifying its activities and risks.
It will continue its commitment to making new technology available to its customers whenever it enhances the quality of services, particularly in the areas of certification, paperless processes, micro-payments and electronic data storage.
With a strong presence in overseas departments and territories, BRED intends to develop its activities there by allocating and maintaining the necessary resources.
Lastly, it will continue to expand by seizing appropriate acquisition opportunities as they arise, in particular in the regions close to its overseas skills centres.
Cetelem Online Services, private finance.
Citibank (France) Citi has had a presence in France since 1906. With more than 200 employees, we provide a full range of financial services to CAC40 companies, French multi-nationals and their subsidiaries, as well as government. The Chairman is François Bujon de l'Estang and the Citi Country Officer is Jean-Claude Gruffat.
CPR CPR specializes in the trading and management of financial assets. It has one of the highest returns on equity among the leading French banking groups. It trades the investment products of thirty countries in the world's principal financial markets from its offices in Paris, London and New York.
Crédit Agricole Crédit Agricole SA (CASA) (Euronext: ACA) is the largest retail banking group in France, second largest in Europe and the eighth largest in the world by Tier 1 capital according to The Banker magazine. It is also part of the CAC 40 stock market index.
It is the main sponsor of a professional road cycling team (see Crédit Agricole (cycling team)).
Crédit Agricole Indosuez Calyon Crédit Agricole CIB is Crédit Agricole's corporate and investment banking entity. Calyon was created in May 2004 by the transfer of assets from Crédit Lyonnais' Corporate and Investment Banking division to Crédit Agricole Indosuez (CAI).
With a staff of 13,000 employees in 58 countries, Calyon is active in a broad range of capital markets, investment banking and financing activities.
Its activities are grouped into two major divisions - the Capital Markets & Investment Banking Division and the Financing Division.
Crédit Industriel et Commercial Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC) is a financial services group in France, founded in 1859. Its banking division is the fourth largest in the country, with 1,890 branches and over 24,000 employees serving over 3.6 million customers.
Credit Local de France Banker in the local public service sector in Europe.
Crédit Lyonnais Crédit Lyonnais is a historic French bank. In the early 1990s it was the largest French bank, majority state-owned at that point. Crédit Lyonnais was the subject of poor management during that period which almost led to its bankruptcy in 1993. It was acquired by another French bank (Crédit Agricole) in 2003 and is now known as LCL (Le Crédit Lyonnais).
Credit Mutuel Crédit Mutuel, as the major French banks, committed on a list of measures on prices and services as contained in the deposit account, following the consultation conducted with consumer associations and public authorities.
This commitment refers to the three principles that Crédit Mutuel implements in its relationship with its members and customers:
better information
ensure greater transparency on prices,
and in case of problems, facilitate the use of a mediator.
In making these commitments, Credit Mutuel will give them all their senses and go even further, according to its values and its practice of truly cooperative bank.
Crйdit Coopйratif Bank for social enterprises and organisations.
Crйdit Foncier de France le crйdit foncier vous aide а rйaliser tous vos projets immobiliers : de la recherche d'un logement au plan de financement personnalisй en ligne.
Crйdit Local de France One of Europe's leading bankers in the local public service sector. Its public service mission involves working in close parnerships with local and regional governments in France, Europe and the United States to finance development projects.
HSBC (France) HSBC S.A. was formed on 1st November 2005 when CCF S.A. (Crédit Commercial de France) along with subsidiary companies UBP, Banque de Picardie and Banque Hervet rebranded as HSBC, with several smaller regional banking networks retaining their long standing local brands and identities.
Memo Bank Memo Bank (ex Margo Bank), the first French independent business bank founded and funded by entrepreneurs, is committed to being a financial partner SMEs can count on to support their growth.
Natixis Natixis is a French corporate and investment bank created on 2006-11-17 from the merger of Natexis Banque Populaire (Banque Populaire group) and Ixis (Caisse d'Epargne group). Natixis Bank is the main company within Natixis group, which includes all companies from both Natexis and Ixis groups.
The two original shareholders still control Natixis though the company is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.
Société Générale Société Générale (Euronext: GLE) is one of the main European financial services companies and also maintains extensive activities in others parts of the world. It is headquartered in France with the main head office in Tours Société Générale in the business district of La Défense west of Paris. The three main divisions are Retail Banking & Specialized Financial Services (particularly in France and Eastern Europe), Corporate and Investment Banking (Derivatives, Structured Finance and Euro Capital Markets) and Global Investment Management & Services.
Société Générale is one of the oldest banks in France. The original name was Société Générale pour favoriser le développement du commerce et de l'industrie en France (English: General Company for the Support of the Development of Commerce and Industry in France). Société Générale is often nicknamed SocGen in the international financial world.
The long term debt of the group is currently ranked AA by S&P, Aa2 by Moody's and AA- by Fitch.
The 2007 financial results were sharply lower, affected by depreciations and a fraud of € 4.9 billion.
Sociйtй Gйnйrale First private French Bank.
Sociйtй Marseillaise de Crйdit Private banking and business solutions.
Sogenal Surf on Sogenal Bank, a dynamic bank owned by Societe Generale Group. Sogenal has a subsidiary company called Societe Generale Bank and Trust and works on an international scale Swiss, Monaco, Luxemburg.
Sogip Banque Exclusively involved in private banking. Services offered include asset management and financial planning, legal and tax planning as well as personnal secretarial services.
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