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Romania Banks

ABN Amro (Romania) Both locally and globally, our clients increasingly require a comprehensive span of products, professional skills and service. Through Wholesale Clients (WCS), ABN AMRO meets this demand by integrating corporate and investment banking activities in one business unit. ------------ Atвt la nivel local cвt єi la nivel global, clienюii noєtri solicitг o gamг din ce оn ce mai largг de produse financiar-bancare, de specializare a serviciilor єi de imbunгtгюire continuг a calitгюii lor. ABN AMRO Bank rгspunde acestor cerinюe prin integrarea activitгюilor bancare comerciale cu cele de investiюii єi gruparea lor оntr-o singurг structura organizatoricг: Divizia de Clienюi Corporativi.
Alpha Bank (Romania) Alpha Bank este astazi una din primele banci comerciale cu capital strain din Romania.Banca face parte din Grupul Alpha Bank Group, cel mai mare grup al sectorulu privat din Grecia si a doua banca comerciala din intregul sistem. ----------- Alpha Bank is one the prime commercial banks in Romania.The bank specializes in corporate customers and is offering advanced services to private individuals, through a network of 32 branches all over the country.
Anglo-Romanian Bank Cu o experienta de peste 30 de ani in City-ul Londonez, Anglo-Romanian Bank isi reafirma pozitia pe piata bancara romaneasca prin experienta internationala acumulata, adaptata conditiilor economice actuale.
AteBank Romania Banca pentru Mica Industrie si Libera Initiativa - MINDBANK SA a fost infiintata in anul 1990 ca societate bancara universala. In anul in care a fost infiintata banca exista practic un vid legislativ. Legea societatilor comerciale, legea societatilor bancare si legea bancii centrale au fost adoptate ulterior. Asa se explica de ce infiintarea bancii a fost aprobata prin Banca deschide conturi curente pentru persoane fizice, persoane juridice prin care se efectueaza operatiuni de incasari si plati fara numerar, in lei sau valuta.
Banca Comerciala Romana Romanian Commercial Bank - the biggest bank in Romania
Banca Italo Romena Banca Italo- Romena a fost constituita in 1980 si reprezinta primul joint-venture intre Italia si Romania in sectorul bancar. Este prima banca italiana cu structura proprie in Romania, prezenta in Bucuresti inca din 1997 si are agentii la Cluj, Oradea, Arad si Timisoara si, in curand, la Brasov si Bacau.
Banca Nationala a Romania оnfiinюatг оn anul 1880, este banca centralг a Romвniei. Banca Naюionalг este o instituюie publicг independentг, cu sediul central оn municipiul Bucureєti. Este unica instituюie autorizatг sг emitг оnsemne. -------- established in 1880, is the country's central bank. The National Bank of Romania is an independent public institution with its headquarters in Bucharest. It is the sole institution vested with the power to issue notes and coins to be used as legal tender on the territory of Romania.
Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare Romanian Development Bank - member of Groupe Sociйtй Gйnйrale
Banca Turco-Romana Romana
BCR - Banca Comerciala Romana Banca Comerciala Romana
Creditcoop In cursul lunii septembrie a fost semnat un contract de agent intre CEREDITCOOP Casa Ceantrala si HVB Banca pentru Locuinte, prin care reteaua CREDITCOOP va intermedia produsele si serviciile HVB Banca pentru locuinte. Amanunte cu privire la aceste produse vor fi comunicate in cel mai scurt timp.
Emporiki Bank Romania filiala din Romania a Emporiki Bank of Greece, a fost infiintata ca persoana juridica romana, avand deschiderea oficiala in septembrie 1999.
Eximbank (Romania) EXIMBANK has steadily distinguished itself within the Romanian banking environment as a bank with a distinctive role compared to commercial banks, clearly defining its mission: supporting Romania's foreign trade through specialized financial-banking and insurance instruments, both on the Bank's behalf and account as well as on behalf and for the account of the State.
GarantiBank Romania Concentrating its growth strategy on retail banking and SME banking, GarantiBank continuously offers its customers new and creative products and strives to contribute towards raising the quality of social life.
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