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Hot to Get Out of Debt


County Court Summons, County Court Judgement, Statutory Demand and Winding up Petitions in the UK
One of the key signs that business difficulties are becoming dangerous is that creditors start to take legal action and this article briefly outlines the main procedures used in the UK, from County Court summonses to Statutory Demands which a company may face...
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Make Money From Your Junk
You've heard the claims before: "I made $200 doing absolutely nothing", "I've made hundreds of dollars while I slept", "I made $500 in one week and there was no effort on my part", and lately, "The recession has been the best thing that ever happened to me! I make more money today than I ever did when I worked my full-time job". But can you really trust such claims?...
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Only we can choose to save rather than consume
As soon as we can stabilize housing, all of our troubles will be solved. This is the mantra we hear night after night on CNBC. The chart below unmistakably paints an abnormal picture of home prices. Karl Case, an economics professor at Wellesley College whose name adorns the S&P Case-Shiller home-price indexes, has studied U.S. house prices going back to the 1890s. Over the long run, he says, home prices tend to increase on average at an inflation-adjusted rate of 2.5% to 3% a year, about the same as per capita income...
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Borrowing and the financial crisis. Will you borrow more?
The 1970’s were a simpler time. As kids, we listened to All The Young Dudes by Mott the Hoople on our portable record players. We would cut Monkees’ .98s from the back of our Raisin Bran cereal boxes. There were maybe ten TV stations we could watch. For entertainment we would play board games like The Game of Life, Monopoly, and Risk. I remember having a two day Risk match with friends from our neighborhood. Our parents didn’t smother us with attention. We created our own fun. We organized our own roller hockey league with games played in our back alley and on the side streets of our neighborhood...
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How Parents Can Save Some Money
Times are tough right now especially for parents. It can be hard to know how to cover things like constantly increasing energy bills and the high cost of fuel. It can be easy to become discouraged and think there is no way I can save money right now, however there are a few changes you can make in your everyday life that will make a huge difference...
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Nine Steps To Financial Freedom
Today we will talk about the Nine Steps To Financial Freedom. What I will do is give a clear game plan from start to finish, that will help you get from where you are, to financial independence...
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Steps to Starting Your Own Business
Thinking of starting a business? My hat is off to you, and I hope that this blog can provide resources for you to get started. Since my retirement from industry six years ago, I have been a SCORE volunteer (Service Corps of Retired Executives)…
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5 Major Ways to Save Money on Gas
Gas prices never seem to go down, do they? It just keeps getting more expensive to buy gas. Here are 5 major steps you can take to save money on gas…
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Prepayment Penalties & Indexes
This article deals with some rarely discussed mortgage details that can have a major financial impact if you’re not careful. For starters, there’s Prepayment Penalties…
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Greenovation Saves You Money Now And Later
We’ve all heard often enough that it’s time to start thinking and acting green. We’re depleting the Earth’s resources in record amounts, and it’s becoming more and more clear that we need to start thinking in terms of protecting and preserving the Earth and her resources when we build…
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50 Ways To Conserve Water At Home
With many areas of the country in drought conditions, all of us could use a reminder list of ways to cut back on our water consumption around the house. You can go three weeks without food, but only three days without W.A.T.E.R.…
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The aim of fasting may be reduction of weight, improvement of health or to remove a certain ailment of the body. Signs of special improvements on account of fasting are seen in every situation, though, in case of reduction of weight, the signs observed are fewer…
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A Mouthful That Saves The World
Let's start with a question. How can we improve the quality of life by say 25% this year? If you're like most people your thoughts might immediately turn towards having more of certain things…
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Financial Delusions, Why You Struggle With Money
Are you struggling with your finances regardless of how much you earn? Are you constantly desiring things that are out of reach for your budget and making yourself miserable because you cannot have them? Even worse, you may be justifying why you need them and overextending yourself by purchasing these items with credit before you can actually afford them?…
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Living A Greener Life On A Shoestring Budget
It doesn’t take a big investment to reduce your impact on the Earth – just a little bit of forethought and attention to the choices that you make. Here are fifteen simple things that can make a major difference in how much energy your family uses around the house…
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Looking at Debt Backward: An Interesting Approach to Financial Freedom
Most people feel that the way to financial success is to earn more. However, we have far less control over what we earn than what we spend. By reducing our spending, we can more reliably and predictably increase the amount of our paycheck we actually get to keep. What's more, there are plenty of ways to trim even up to 10% out of your household expenses without feeling the pinch. You may even start to feel smarter…
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The 10 Truths of Financial Success and Happiness
A recent survey of books about losing weight or becoming rich found the words “instant,” “easy,” and “secret” in their titles. The concept of financial success, though, has no secret formulas for easy instant results. Here we’ll explore the keys that would be more aptly titled: The 10 keys to slow financial success and happiness…
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Debt Settlement - Your Questions Answered
For many people, the decision to eliminate credit card debt through debt settlement is a difficult one to make. This is due to the fact that most consumers aren’t well-educated in the area of debt settlement…
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RV Travels: How To Stay Healthy On The Road
It's no secret amongst experienced RV travelers: self-reliance saves money. The more independent you are of tourist parks, power hook-ups and all those other so-called necessities, the further your budget will stretch. And the greater will be your freedom…
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The Financial Equation That Can Change Your Life
Ask a person what is the single most important thing that could happen to improve his or her financial picture and the answer you'll get - in various gradations - is a sudden influx of cash. Some of us wish for pay raises, others want to win the lottery, and more indecisive types just dream of a sudden windfall of cash…
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The Financial Equation That Can Change Your Life
Ask a person what is the single most important thing that could happen to improve his or her financial picture and the answer you'll get - in various gradations - is a sudden influx of cash. Some of us wish for pay raises, others want to win the lottery, and more indecisive types just dream of a sudden windfall of cash…
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Financial Freedom? Here's The Only Real Question
The only way to take control of your life, raise your standard of living and move beyond merely surviving is to create your own unique product or service that you offer to increasing numbers of people in exchange for the things of value that you desire. This simple formula applies to countries as well as people…
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20 Ways To Save On Your Utility Bills
Utility bills can consume a very large portion of your paycheck. Wouldn't it be nice if you could pay 25-50% less on these bills? There's a number of ways you can. Don't worry - you won't find any low flow toilets on this list!…
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How to Live Naturally

  • Buy economic (fluorescent) lamps – they consume up to 5 times less energy than regular bulbs.
  • Don’t drive to close distances – better walk or bike.
  • Set your tap water heater to lower temperature…
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16 Simple, Everyday Ways to Save Money
As a mother with three kids and a very hardworking, hungry husband, I have discovered that absolutely nothing is cheap. I have also discovered that it is the small, daily changes we have managed to make that have had the most profound impact on our budget…
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Mortgages And Loans. Islamic Finance Avoids Interest.
Two million Muslims in the UK face an ethical dilemma if they want a mortgage or a loan. Conventional mortgages and loans all require the payment of interest and “riba” as interest is called under Islamic law, is forbidden by the Koran…
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Debt And Debtor's Disease. Do You Have It?
Debtor's disease is a silent killer. Killer of respect, marriages, self control, and families. There isn't a part of your life that it won't touch and destroy with it's deadly power. Some of you won't even know you have it for many, many years. It's a sneaky affliction; creeping into your life and slowly but surely taking control of every part of your existence…
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Bankruptcy - Chapter 13 Or Chapter 7?
The main purpose of bankruptcy laws is to give people hopelessly overburdened with debt a financial fresh start. Bankruptcy filings are public records. However, under normal circumstances, no one will know about the bankruptcy. Credit Bureaus will maintain a record of the bankruptcy and it will remain on the credit record for 10 years…
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If You Want To Make Money: Avoid Debt!
Everybody starting in life should avoid running into debt.
There is scarcely anything that drags a person down like debt. It is a slavish position to get ill, yet we find many a young man, hardly out of his "teens," running in debt.
He meets a chum and says, "Look at this: I have got trusted for a new suit of clothes."…
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The Four Golden Rules Of Personal Finance
Many successful people have mentors to guide them in learning the skills that lead to achievement, and I’ll do my best to offer you some critical personal finance perspectives. They say that life is a school where you learn the lesson after the test…
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True Credit Secrets
Figuring out exactly how credit scores work is problematic. Like nuclear fission, learning Chinese and setting the clock on your DVD player, credit scoring is not something that most people can easily master…
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Simplified Personal Finances can Boost Savings, Ring in Financial Freedom
In a report filed on January 30, 2006, Associated Press said that the savings rate for the average American has dipped to its lowest levels since the depths of the depression in 1933…
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Three Steps to Starting Your New Business With a Clean Credit Score
Starting a new business? Learn the three most important steps to take so you can start your business with a clean credit score…
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Credit Cards are Not Good for Your Financial Health
Credit cards continue to multiply and it sometimes seems like a day doesn’t go by without another amazing offer dropping through the letter box! They can seem very attractive at times because they are so convenient to use. There’s no need to carry any money with you ever again if you believe the hype. They enable you to go shopping without having to carry money with you and you can pay the exact amount just by handing it over. If you haven’t been paid yet, then you don’t need to worry, because the money will still be there…
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Dealing with The Stress of Debt!
As the Christmas period comes to an end and the New Year begins many people suddenly find themselves faced with the Credit card bill from hell! It seemed so easy to “spend, spend, spend” when out buying all the wonderful presents for your loved ones. Nowadays we are bombarded on every side by advertising for yet another Credit Card and it can be so easy to sign the pre-filled application forms that come through our letter boxes…
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Money Saving Motivation and Tips
If you have a hard time finding the motivation to start saving money, consider challenging yourself to tuck away what you save. It can be very motivating to watch your money grow. Set up a special savings account to make weekly deposits of what you have saved from your money saving efforts…
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Saving For Post Secondary Education
Post secondary education is very expensive in North America and unless you are fairly wealthy will be a worry for most parents. Obviously, not all kids go onto University or College but if they do and you haven’t planned for it you could find yourself with a large financial burden…
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The Bills Can Wait
Have you ever wanted anything so much that you were willing to put off your bills to get it? A lot of people have and some do it month after month. The worst part of this is that these same people wonder why they are having money problems…
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Simpler Solutions For Managing Your Money
Let’s face it, coming up with smart and simple ways of saving money takes thinking that is a bit more creative.
Use some of these shortcuts to managing your finances. They are guaranteed to save you time and money…
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Is A Student Loan Consolidation Or Federal Student Loan Consolidation Right For You?
With the cost of education going through the roof, going to college can be very costly. Many students don’t have thousands of dollars to pay their way through college. This is why so many college students use student loans and federal student loans to get themselves through college. When it comes time to pay back their student loans, it can be a real burden and a distraction from their career…
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Saving Money For College... Key Strategies
One day you will wake up and your children will be ‘grown’ and heading off to school.
Have you thought about how you will finance their education? If you haven’t heard already, the cost of a decent education is continually rising above and beyond what ordinary people can afford…
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Shop ′Till You Drop In The Warmth of Your Home
Do you go to the shopping mall, or do you sit in your favorite chair with keyboard handy? In time, shopping malls may become unwanted landscape with aisles of vacant stores while online shopping increases annually. When Internet shopping you can enter your credit card securely (bank card companies cooperate with special shopping ID's), fair or free shipping costs, and friendly customer service. This saves you time, saves you gasoline, and saves you money…
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How to Tell When It's Time to Declare Bankruptcy
Now that the bankruptcy reform bill has become the new bankruptcy law, many experts believe financially-strapped consumers will rush to their local bankruptcy court to file before the bill becomes law. This raises the question: Is bankruptcy right for you if you're struggling to make ends meet each month?…
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How To Know The Facts from the Myths In Bankruptcy
If you are contemplating the possibility or prospect of filing for bankruptcy, you likely have in mind a number of myths about the process and procedure of bankruptcy. (You may also have some basic facts about bankruptcy, but desire more before you make a final decision as to whether or not you want to proceed with such an action.) Through this article, the basic facts and some common myths about bankruptcy are discussed…
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Reverse Mortgage: A Dignified Way For Retirees To Supplement Income And Take Care Of Expenses
For many Americans reaching the retirement age, the equity build up in their home is their only real asset. Reverse mortgage is a way to tap into this asset and create a stream of income needed for retirement or take care of an unexpected financial need that is usually related to health care costs in the elderly…
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Seven Steps on How to File for Bankruptcy
In the 21st century, many men and women find themselves struggling to keep their heads above water financially. With ever mounting debt, these people oftentimes need to seek relief by filing for bankruptcy. Perhaps you are such a person who is fighting to make ends meet. As a result, you may be wondering how to file for bankruptcy…
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The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 1
At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true.
Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely new to you. But whether you are familiar with these super secrets or not, it will be well worth your while to put them into effect in your own life…
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Debt Management Plans – A Way To Survive The Debt And Come On Top
Debt Management Plans (DMP) is placed one step beyond credit counseling and a stone's throw short of bankruptcy. If you are too deep into debt and unable to pay them, a credit counseling agency may recommend Debt Management Plans. This is a serious step that should be considered carefully along with better money management skills and budgeting disciplines…
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Can Credit Counseling Really Help?
If you have high debt, and are in trouble, you have probably heard the term “credit counseling,” but do you understand what it is? Oftentimes this term is used in the same sentence as debt negotiation or debt settlement, but actually, it’s a completely different process…
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Get Out Of Debt With These Budget Building Secrets
Many people dread the task of building a budget because they view it as overwhelming and frustrating. But it will make the job easier if you look at it in another way; the only way to financial freedom. Do you feel as though there is no way to get out of the red and into the black, much less plan ahead for your retirement or even a vacation? Are you tired of getting paid on Friday and being broke before you even get home?…
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How To Avoid Bankruptcy & Get Out Of Debt Faster Using Debt Negotiation!
Has credit card debt got you thinking about bankruptcy?
You’re not the only one these days. Even with the new bankruptcy laws, credit card debt continues to climb. Unfortunately for most of us, our paychecks don’t climb as quickly…
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Debt - Strategically Pay It Back
When paying back debt, a little strategy goes a long way. It can literally save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in interest charges. And the best part is that the best, most effective strategy is so easy to follow…
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How to Succeed When You're in Massive Debt
Whenever the topic of finance is discussed, it is important to note that everyone's situation is different and that financial advice should be tailored to an individual's particular circumstances with the help of a professional advisor…
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Bankruptcy Tips And Helpful Alternatives
Before you file bankruptcy, it is a good idea to look into other alternatives if at all possible. New bankruptcy laws make it more difficult to file than it used to be…
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15 Ways Average Person Can Overcome Increasing And Overwhelming Debt
Before sharing these recommendations, I suggest that you have a way of tracking your expenses. This will give you a clear picture of what you spend daily, weekly and/or monthly and aid you in reducing expenses where needed…
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Home Buyers: Closing Costs You Might Not Know About
If you're home shopping or in the process of buying property, you want to make sure you have all your costs covered.
Home buyer's who purchase a home without a real estate agent (or sometimes purchase through an inexperienced agent) can find out too late they don't have enough money to close and move…
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Are You Thinking About Filing For Bankruptcy Protection?
Bankruptcy, when you come right down to it, is the process that enables those who are unable to pay their debts get a fresh start.
It allows for some or all of these debts to be discharged or reorganized. Individuals or businesses may file bankruptcy.
This enables you to clean the slate and get a 2nd chance with your finances. In most instances, bankruptcy provides a fair method for compensating your creditors as well…
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Say "Bah, Humbug!" To Holiday Debt: Avoid the "Holiday Hangover"
Ah, the holiday season! Turkey and dressing, pumpkin pie, office parties, jingle bells, and lots and lots of eggnog make the season a delight. But all fun and reindeer games aside, you have to be careful to make sure you don't wind up as poor as Tiny Tim! Americans can spend as much as $1,000 a year on gifts for family, friends and business associates. That is a big chunk of money that can hit you pretty hard come January if you don't plan ahead. There are some tips and tricks you can do to keep your holidays bright and debt-free this year…
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Credit Repair And Avoiding Court
If you ever entered a courtroom, you know that the stress elevates, even if you are in the room for someone else. Courts are an automatic source for lifting stress. Moreover, to avoid the courts means we have to abide by laws and pay our debts. If you have taking out a home mortgage, car loan, personal loan, or any other type of credit loan in some instances when the loans requirements are not meet you can be subpoenaed to court…
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Credit Repair System
The Credit Repair System has tools available that helps many debtors find relief. Credit repair system is the steps to recovering from debts, while getting back on your feet again. If you have bad credit, you already know how difficult it is to reestablish a respect in society. Struggling down many roads, I know you have asked over in your mind, “How can I get out of debt?” The truth is we all have had bad times and some of are able to get back on our feet again quicker than others do…
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5 Simple Ways To Lower Your Monthly Bills – And Save Lots Of Money!
Here you're going to learn several ways to save money every month by lowering your monthly bills. There are lots of ways to save money, no matter how much of it you have - or don't have! Having struggled for many years paying my own bills, I learned many ways to save money…
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Government Credit Repairs
If you are building a credit history, suffering bad credit or else your credit is great, there are sources available that will help you maintain credit, repair credit, and build credit history. If you have bad credit you must at least apply for two loans and be turned down before, the government will consider giving you a loan. Your credit report is not what is important, rather declines is the focus…
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How A Bad Credit Report Affects Your Life
A low credit rating or bad credit report can negatively affect virtually every aspect of your life. Whether you are consistently late on your mortgage or utility bills or you are over your limit on your credit cards, bad credit can make purchasing on credit virtually impossible, and it can limit your lifestyle in many different ways…
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Your Debt To Income Ratio
To stay out of debt, you must spend less money than you earn. Implementing this financial plan is often more difficult than it would seem. Your debt to income ratio is an important part of your overall credit history. If you spend more money than you earn, your debt to income ratio will be high, making it hard to finance a home or make major purchases. There are two basic factors are used in calculating your debt to income ratio…
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