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Business Management


How to Write a Business Plan for a Small Manufacturing Business
A business plan can provide the owner-manager or prospective owner-manager of a small manufacturing firm with a pathway to profit. This publication is designed to help an owner-manager draw up a business plan. In building a pathway to profit you need to consider the following questions: What business am I in? What goods do I sell? Where is my market? Who will buy? Who is my competition? What is my sales strategy? What merchandising methods will I use?…
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Free Entrepreneur's Book
In this final decade of the 20th century, small business owners continue to demonstrate their extraordinary capacity to mobilize resources and generate new jobs. There are more than 20 million small businesses in the United States, and each year nearly a quarter of a million new ones are started…
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How to write a business plan for a small construction business
A business plan can provide you, the owner-manager or prospective owner-manager of a small construction firm, with a pathway to profit. This publication is designed to help you develop a business plan. In building a pathway to profit you need to consider the following questions: What business am I in? What do I sell?…
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Transferring Management in Family Business
The family business is a vital force in the American economy. About 90 percent of all U.S. businesses are family owned or controlled. They range in size from the traditional small business to a third of the Fortune 500 firms. It is estimated that family businesses generate about half of the country's Gross National Product and half of the total wages paid…
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Legal Structure of Your Business - How to Select
In starting a small business, one of the first questions you should ask is what form of legal entity you should use or "How should I organize my business?" Also, as your business grows and changes, you should from time to time ask yourself whether the entity you have chosen remains the best form of organization for your business.The entities most commonly used by small businesses in the United States are the sole proprietorship, partnerships and stock corporations…
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How to Increase Your Productivity
Small business owners frequently juggle a variety of roles within their companies. Creating a balance and effectively managing available time is extremely important to most small businesses. In order to economize and make the most of the available time, you should implement a time management plan…
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Managing a Family Business
When you put up your own money and operate your own business, you prize your independence. It's MY business, you can tell yourself, in good times and in bad. In a family company, however, it's OUR business…
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Writing a Business Plan
There are two main purposes for writing a business plan. The first, and most important, is to serve as a guide during the life of your business. It is the blueprint of your business and will serve to keep you on the right track. To be of value, your plan must be kept current. If you spend the time to plan ahead, many pitfalls will be avoided and needless frustrations will be eliminated…
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How to Write a Business Plan For a Small Retail Business
A good business plan gives the small retail firm a pathway to profit. This publication is designed to help an owner-manager develop a sound business plan.
To profit in business, you need to consider the following questions: What business am I in? What goods do I sell? Where is my market? Who will buy my goods? Who is my competition? What is my sales strategy? What merchandising methods will I use? How much money is needed to operate my store? How will I get the work done? What management controls are needed? How can they be carried out? When should I revise my plan? Where can I go for help?…
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10 High Achievers in Business
They are men and women from various cultures and from different backgrounds, some have an impressive academic record while others barely made it through high school; however, the one thing that is common is the sheer grit and determination of these people to achieve their dreams. Here is a look at the accomplishments of ten such extraordinary people…
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Mobile and Cloud Computing for Small Business
Can you predict the future of computing and mobile from observing the behavior of kids? One of the things I have always noted about my own kids, my nieces and my nephews is the overwhelming attachment to hand-held toys - no, I am not talking about cell phones and portable game players…
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Alternative Ways to Finance Your Company
A company frustrated by not being able to obtain conventional financing has various alternatives. For some it might be factoring. For other companies, it may be selling future credit card purchases…
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Was Christopher Columbus an Entrepreneur Like You Are?
Christopher Columbus was an explorer and an adventurer, but today he would simply be called an entrepreneur. Let's step back in time and take a look at Columbus through the eyes of today's entrepreneurs and start-ups. Is the start-up funding climate really any different now? …
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What is a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)(UK)?
Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs) are one of the Insolvency Act's business rescue procedures. A bit like Chapter 11 in the US, they are intended to provide a flexible way of restructuring a troubled business which will lead to a better outcome for creditors than other insolvency procedures, while allowing management to retrain control and shareholders to retain ownership…
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How to sell an insolvent company in the UK
One option for a business in difficulty may be to look to sell but how practical is this really in a distressed situation? This article looks at how and why buyers look to find insolvent companies for sale as well as how the Pre-pack Administrations and the SIP 16 insolvency process operates in a sale of an insolvent business…
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How to levy a debtor's bank account in California
This is my opinion and a summary of what I have learned and observed. If you need legal advice, contact a lawyer as I am not a lawyer. Although this article uses the State of California as an example of specific costs and procedures, the concepts will be similar in most States…
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How to Conduct a Presentation
Because managers at all levels are increasingly likely to be asked to speak in public, management training often includes elements of presentation skills training. One of the biggest fears, surveys show, is speaking in public. However nervous you are when standing up in front of a large group, it is possible to develop into competent and engaging presenter given the right training support. The following article contains some key tips and techniques that if followed will make you a better presenter…
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Does Certification Make One a Good Project Manager?
With the Project Management Institute and the Association of Project Managers and colleges and universities all certifying Project Managers, why are projects still failing? Could it be that certification doesn't make you a project manager?
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Several Tips on How to Reduce the Number of E-mails You Receive
The reality is there are quite a number of things that you can do, personally, to keep your e-mails to a minimum. This article offers a few tips
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Inventory Management in Your Business
Successful inventory management involves balancing the costs of inventory with the benefits of inventory. Many small business owners fail to appreciate fully the true costs of carrying inventory, which include not only direct costs of storage, insurance and taxes, but also the cost of money tied up in inventory. This fine line between keeping too much inventory and not enough is not the manager's only concern
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10 Business Startup Mistakes
Many startup ideas fail to ever be launched and many, many fail within the first year or two. In most cases, the failure has nothing to do with the business idea, but how the business side is handled. The business of entrepreneurship is business first, then operations (what your business actually does). The Top Ten startup mistakes that lead to ultimate failure are
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How to Write a Business Plan For a Small Service Business
A business plan can provide the owner-manager or prospective owner-manager of a small service firm with a pathway to profit. This publication is designed to help an owner-manager develop a business plan…
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Human Resources Management
All small businesses must staff their operations. This involves bringing new people into the business and making sure they are productive additions to the enterprise. Effective human resource management matches and develops the abilities of job candidates and employees with the needs of the firm
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How to Use Twitter for Marketing
Twitter is a micro-blogging site that asks you a basic question, "What are you doing?" It allows anyone with an account to write up to 140 characters in a text field as a means to update, comment, promote or communicate to others who are "following" you. When people follow you, they see what you've recently contributed when they login. They see your "tweets", which are the messages you leave…
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17 Presentation Tips
Many individuals are called upon to give presentations, but many have no formal instruction on how to deliver the most effective presentations. So for the benefit of those who might need a bit of help, we've put together a "primer" for presenters…
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Managing Your Business's Online Reputation
A company's reputation is often critical to that company's success. The anonymity and vastness of the Internet makes managing a reputation much more difficult than it once was. Businesses must be proactive about protecting their brands and reputations…
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Tips on Going Green in Your Business
A business that makes the decision to be environmentally-conscious will often promote goodwill among potential customers, while making the world a better place for future generations. Many businesses hesitate to adopt green practices because they fear it will hurt their bottom line and negatively impact profits…
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Tips for Preparing PowerPoint Presentations
Presentations are an integral and important part of any business. Whether designed for training purposes, introducing new products, or discussing corporate hierarchy, PowerPoint presentations serve a valuable purpose in both the business world and in the educational fields. In order to maximize a presentation's impact, it needs to be polished and well executed. The following tips can aid you in taking your PowerPoint presentation to the next level…
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12 Strategies of Using E-mail Effectively
Most people do not send effective email messages. I know. I spend a lot of time analyzing email messages for clients, and measuring and tracking their effectiveness. Whether you send large email newsletters or just use email to communicate with friends, colleagues and customers, following these strategies will make your email more effective. So, here's my list, compiled and crafted from years of experience and analysis of millions of messages…
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How to Manage Your Time Effectively - 10 Tips
Managing your time and using it wisely is a journey, and not something that can be easily mastered overnight. Implementing a plan will help, but it is not going to be a sure cure. Time management requires a significant amount of self-discipline…
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Some Tips for Public Speaking and Presenting
Presentations can be a great way to attract new business, simply by making yourself more well-known. However, nerves can often get in the way of entrepreneurs who want to use speaking opportunities to develop their business. Follow these steps to overcome nerves and make a powerful presentation during your public speaking engagement…
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How to design a logo - main concepts
A logo concept is more than just an affinity for a specific character. Logos represent a company's brand, and as a result, serious thought and consideration should be put into your logo. Before hand be sure to consider, how the logo will represent your organization and consider the thoughts that will be associated with specific images that you consider for your logo…
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Some Issues of Business Management
Effective management is the key to the establishment and growth of the business. The key to successful management is to examine the marketplace environment and create employment and profit opportunities that provide the potential growth and financial viability of the business. Despite the importance of management, this area is often misunderstood and poorly implemented, primarily because people focus on the output rather than the process of management
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Government Contracting
Looking for new markets for your small businesses’ goods or services? Consider selling to the federal government. The U.S. government is the world’s largest buyer of goods and services — from spacecraft and advanced scientific research to paper clips and landscaping services. Military and civilian purchases total more than $425 billion a year
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Free book for exporters

The Transaction

  • Finding a market for the goods (market research)
  • Selecting the marketing channels
  • Negotiations
  • Pricing
  • Distribution channels
  • Order
  • Contract
  • Commercial Invoice…

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    How To Negotiate Your Salary & Get Paid What You Are Worth
    Understanding the process of salary negotiations and following these five simple steps can pay you back many times over with higher compensation in your next position
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    How a Men's Dress Shirt Should Fit
    Everywhere you look, there are men with long, dangling sleeves, bulging necks squeezed by collars that are too tight or with enough fabric billowing around their waists to sail the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria…
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    Do You Know Where The Real Profit Pools Are?
    Ever had that feeling you've got a great business, but that its' not delivering the results it really deserves? More likely than not, you do have a great business - it is simply that its strengths are not being directed towards the right opportunities, or that those opportunities are not being well exploited…
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    Listen to Your Customers
    Mastering the art of managing customer complaints can seem like a thankless job, but keep in mind that for every customer that shares their worries, concerns or complaints, there are likely more that did not express their dissatisfaction, and instead simply moved on to a competitor…
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    10 Killer Job Interview questions and Answers
    There is no way you can accurately predict the questions that will be asked in an interview, but you can be ready and prepared by thinking about the factors that might concern an interviewer or employer before the interview…
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    Fifteen Advertising And Promotional Ideas
    Every successful company uses some sort of promotion to influence certain audiences, usually customers or prospects, by informing or persuading them. Reasons for promoting a business include: increasing visibility…
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    Comparing Three Ways To Go Public
    Traditional Underwriting:
    Time: 6 to 12 months
    Cost: $175,000 to $500,000 (The company will be out of pocket at least 50% of this amount prior to completion
    Capital: Typically raises more capital than other types of transactions…
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    Overcoming The Objections That Keep You From Achieving Massive Success
    Realize that most objections can be resolved before they even arise. Cost is often the first objection that is put up, but usually it’s not the true reason, deep down, for rejecting a product or service…
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    Intellectual Property Protection In China
    If imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery, then the Chinese can be very sincere flatterers indeed. But if you prefer prosperity over flattery it would be wise to take precautions against losing your shirt in one of the world’s most dangerous IP jungles…
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    Establishing A Representative Office In China
    Among foreign investors, the most popular form of business establishment in China is the Representative Office. Its main attraction is that it is simpler and cheaper to establish than either a Joint Venture of a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise…
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    China Company Start-up Checklist, Part III
    The following activities should also be undertaken as soon as possible after receiving the Business License: (1) Obtain any Necessary Construction Permits…
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    China Company Start-up Checklist, Part II
    The following activities must be taken within 30 days of the issuance of the Business License: (1) Engrave the Enterprise’s Official Seal This requires advance approval from the municipal Public Security Bureau (the police). Documents include: the original business license and a copy …
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    China Company Start-up Checklist, Part I
    Although Company Establishment Checklist is primarily geared toward the establishment of Joint Ventures, it can be easily adapted to the establishment of Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises…
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    Seven Service Principles Guaranteed To Create Raving Fans
    "There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else"…
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    Warning To Direct Marketers: Asking These Questions Will Kill Your Conversions
    For those marketers who labor tirelessly, though fruitlessly, oblivious to marketing history, and unversed in copy that brings home the bacon—please take note: this article is for you…
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    27 Reasons To Invest In People: The Evidence Keeps Mounting
    Enthusiastic workers often increase the quality of work by huge percentages-up to a 75 percent reduction in defect rates. (Sirota, Mischkind, and Meltzer, The Enthusiastic Employee, 2005)…
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    The Layers of Your Brand
    Branding is a hot topic in marketing these days, but it's defined in different ways and looked at from different angles. There are many components that make up a brand, and we call each component a Brand Layer…
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    Advantages Of Forming A UK Limited Company
    When starting a business there will often be a point when you think of forming your business into a limited company – perhaps before you collect a penny. So why should UK businesses look at limited company formation?…
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    9 Things You Should Know About Dealing With Venture-Capital Brokers
    You want to buy a new company, expand operations, acquire a business, or raise capital. You’ve decided to go for venture capital funding versus a bank loan for a multitude of reasons from the risks involved to the amount you need to carry out your plan…
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    The Laws of Sales Success
    Sales professionals must create magnetic appeal to increase closing efficiency. Our present global environment creates numerous obstacles that polarize sales efforts, form the proliferation of the Internet to advanced media. Ironically, with the intrigue of technological miracles the foundation of sales success exists upon 10 principles…
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    How To Stand Out At A Trade Show
    Think of the last time you were on the midway at a state fair. Every booth was brightly colored, full of interesting things to see, do, and win. Hawkers yelled: "Step right up!", "Three tries for a dollar!", "Win a stuffed bunny for the lovely lady!" Lights flashed, kids ran around, and everyone seemed to be talking at once…
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    Overcoming The Objections That Keep You From Achieving Massive Success
    Realize that most objections can be resolved before they even arise. Cost is often the first objection that is put up, but usually it’s not the true reason, deep down, for rejecting a product or service. Nothing de-energizes your persuasive efforts more than lingering doubts and concerns that remain unresolved in your prospect’s mind. No matter what you’re selling, all objections can fit into one or more of the following categories…
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    Creating More Sales Through Active Participation
    People have an innate desire to feel wanted and needed. When you fulfill this need, you open the door to persuasion, a fact that has been proved beyond a doubt by records kept on industrial workers. Workers who have no voice whatsoever in management, who cannot make suggestions, or who are not allowed to express their ideas simply do not do as much work as workers who are encouraged to contribute…
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    How To Write A Startup Business Plan
    Why do you need to write a business plan? There are a number of reasons. Writing a plan dramatically increases your chances of success as an entrepreneur. Here are just a few reasons why you would want to write a business plan…
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    Motivation Equation And Orientation
    When we break motivation down to its most fundamental level, it’s either inspiration-oriented or desperation-oriented. Whatever action we take, we are moving either toward something we favor or away from something we disfavor…
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    The Obstacles That Keep You From Closing The Sale
    The very first obstacle that many persuaders experience is prejudging a prospect. They set up an appointment, hang up the phone and then immediately say, “Oh, great. This lady’s looking for a product we don’t even have. She’ll never buy.” It could be for any number of reasons, but basically the salesperson decides, based on one scrap of information, that the lead isn’t going to go anywhere before s/he has even met or spoken with the prospect…
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    The Layers of Your Brand and How Your Brand Helps Your Business
    Branding is a hot topic in marketing these days, but it's defined in different ways and looked at from different angles. There are many components that make up a brand, and we call each component a Brand Layer. Here are our definitions of some of the most important Brand Layers…
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    What Kind Of Capital Is Appropriate For Your Business?
    There are two kinds of capital: debt and equity. Both kinds are typically used by a company during its lifetime. Lenders have different objectives than investors and therefore look at different factors about a company when deciding whether or not to invest or make a loan…
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    Ten Simple Things That Helped Make Me Millions
    I’ve had my own business since I was 9 years old. I’ve started, bought, sold and helped out in many different kinds of businesses over the thirty some odd years since then. I’ve done everything I’ve always wanted to do, and I’ve had a lot of fun. Some of the highlights: I worked on Wall Street, I helped take a company public and I threw one of the biggest VC names in the country out of my office…
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    20 Tips On Presenting Corporate & Office Areas
    If you operate an office that receives visiting clients you probably have a reception area. Such an area can be used to great advantage. While your client is waiting to see you why not give them the opportunity to learn about you and the company? Large photographs of the factory or the products / services you provide help to make it clear what your company does or stands for. It also gives an insight into areas your visitor may not be able to access under normal circumstances…
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    Are You Wasting Time and Money Marketing to the Wrong People?
    One of the biggest mistakes I see consultants, coaches and professionals make is to be unclear about who their ideal client is, and to carry out their marketing without any specific definition of their target market. In fact, most are hedging their bets and trying to appeal to everybody…
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    Delving deeper into LLC
    Limited Liability Company or LLC is what you will get when you combine the attributes of both corporations and partnerships. So this is like corporation's protection from personal liability for business debts and the pass-through tax structure of partnerships and sole proprietorships put together…
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    Sales Proposals - How to Write Proposals That Sell
    Depending upon how much you enjoy writing, writing sales proposals can be a joy, purgatory, or something in between. However, if you sell a complex product or one that involves the delivery of professional services, learning how to write effective selling proposals can be critical to your success…
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    Ten Meeting Management Issues to Watch Out For
    Meetings are valuable components of organisations. Yet they need process, discipline and leadership/facilitation to work best. Here are some indicators to watch out for to highlight where things may be going wrong…
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    Working Capital & Cash Flow Solutions: Should I Borrow From A Bank?
    Recently, my newspaper reported that a local bank “...earned a four star excellence rating for the sixty-fourth consecutive quarter.” That’s sixteen years of four star excellence! The article went on to say that the “rating is based on a complex formula that includes …capital safety levels, quality of loan portfolio, and the ability to meet obligations…”…
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    Use This Simple Time Tested Process And Move Your Business Forward In 2006!
    Another year is just about ready to finish and it is time to start thinking about next year. If you own your own business or you manage a business division, then you need to ask yourself if all of the expectations that were set forth at the beginning of the year were met. If not then maybe what stopped you was a lack of goals and objectives, or just a lack of a good process to use when planning them. The goal setting process is essential to the success or failure of the business, and many careers have derailed due to a lack of them. Goals and objectives apply to everyone involved…
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    Frustrated With Your Company's Inability To Develop New Customers?
    Try A Sales Blitz.

    One of the most common complaints I hear from my clients is this: "I can't seem to motivate the salespeople to call on prospects and develop them into new customers."
    There is a relatively simple, fun and inexpensive way to remedy this situation. It's called a sales blitz. Unfortunately, few companies are even aware of it, and fewer yet use it…
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    How Business Davids can overcome Goliaths
    In the story of David and Goliath, young David challenged the mighty Goliath. King Saul wanted David to wear his armour so that he could fight Goliath in the traditional way. But David chose to forgo the armour, used a weapon of his choosing, and relied on his own speed, and was ultimately successful in slaying the giant Goliath…
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    Strategic Planning Steps For Optimum Business Management
    The Strategic Planning Steps philosophy/business system is an organizational tool that is used by groups and corporations globally to refine their goals and maximize their resources. Drawing from the concepts of strategic military planning, the Strategic Planning process is one way in which businesses strive to attain a competitive edge…
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    Myths of Sales Management: The Entrepreneurial Salesperson
    I just had a phone conversation with a client who had a familiar story to tell. He had built his business on the model of an entrepreneurial sales force. Give them a territory, pay them straight commission, and tell them they are in business for themselves, free to develop the customers they chose with the products they wanted…
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    Strategic Selling - How to Sell Strategically
    If you want to maximize your sales performance, take a strategic approach to selling. After all, wouldn't you agree that "the 80/20 rule" applies to customers, where approximately 20 percent of customers produce approximately 80 percent of sales?…
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    Sales Prospecting - How to Stand Out From Competitors in a Commodity Market
    The key challenge when prospecting for "commodity" product or service sales opportunities is capturing enough of your prospect's attention to convince them to meet with you. This article provides four strategies to help you win more of these elusive first meetings…
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    How To Gain Monopoly-Like Profits Through Ethnic Marketing
    In today's U.S. marketplace, marketing to various ethnic audiences is vital to consumer-oriented product and service companies. Latinos and African Americans already have a critical mass of buying power of over $1 trillion combined and this total is increasing rapidly. The growth of the Hispanic and African American affluent and middle class is occurring faster than the majority of Caucasian Americans…
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    Taboo Words and Terrific Words
    You have had it happen, I’m sure, possibly several times. You had an idea that seemed perfectly suited for your organization, because job functions would become more manageable, customers would respond favorably, your brand recognition would increase, or profits would rise immediately…
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    Company Policy Does More Damage to Customer Service Than Anything Else
    As a customer service consultant I see things across many companies that most companies don’t see while working inside the company.
    One of the biggest problems is “company policy.” Many company policies are structured to protect the company from the customer instead of helping the customer get what he wants and has paid for…
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    The Process of Due Diligence
    A business which wants to attract foreign investments must present a business plan. But a business plan is the equivalent of a visit card. The introduction is very important - but, once the foreign investor has expressed interest, a second, more serious, more onerous and more tedious process commences: Due Diligence…
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    Business Competition Best Practices: Win Loss Research
    Frequently I am asked "how do you get information about the competition?" Most people are surprised when I tell them that getting useful competitive intelligence is actually the easiest part of managing successful business competition. One of the best methods to gain valuable competitive intelligence is so simple, straightforward, and productive that I have put it on my list of Business Competition Best Practices: Win Loss Research…
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    Business Process Management: Understanding and Implementing
    If yours is a business with several departments, at one point you start to realize that in order to stay competitive, increase productivity and bring efficiency to your business, you need to optimize and automate some of your business processes. To identify which parts of your business activities required to be optimized, first you need to have a clear understanding of the processes involved in your particular business…
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    So, Do You Need Financial Planning?
    Well do you need Financial Planning? In this article, I will show you how you can answer this question.
    Immediately after we complete our college education, we automatically participate in a race call rat race…
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    Managing the Income Portfolio
    The reason people assume the risks of investing in the first place is the prospect of achieving a higher rate of return than is attainable in a risk free environment…i.e., an FDIC insured bank account. Risk comes in various forms, but the average investor’s primary concerns are “credit” and “market” risk… particularly when it comes to investing for income…
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    Understanding Option Trading, Simply
    Option trading is one method of trading that you can partake in. But, in order to take advantage of it, you need to find out just what it is and how it works. This will help you to make decisions that will affect you throughout your trading experience. Here is some basic information about option trading to help you…
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    Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio 3 Tips for Greater Trading Profits
    In this report, we will look at the history and background of Fibonacci numbers and The Golden Ratio. We will then outline three specific money management tips that can help increase your profit potential.
    Support and resistance levels are an important consideration for most traders to help identify entry and exit points when trading…
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    The Insight Trader Reveals Effective Ways To Deal With Losses
    At some point in the insight trader`s career, he will be faced with a string of losses that will bring his confidence to an all-time low. Every active trader hits this point at least once, and some will visit it several times. This active trader will reveal to you ways to successfully deal with this problem…
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    Commodity Trading Systems Learn From a Trading Master and Boost Your Profit Potential!
    Legendary trader W D Gann amassed a fortune of $50 million dollars in the first half of the last century, although he died in 1955, his commodity trading systems are still used today by traders all over the world.
    Successful commodity trading systems have the ability take the emotion out of trading, liquidating losses quickly and spotting and holding the big longer-term trends and that’s exactly what Gann’s Commodity trading systems did…
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    Unconventional Home Business Financing Alternatives
    While unconventional financing can cost you money in the long run, it does allow you to avoid borrowing money as a loan that needs to be paid back... whether or not your business makes a profit. With the alternative financing options presented here - if your business fails, your obligation to pay back the money expires…
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    Retirement Fund Management Programs
    A number of the large Mutual Fund Institutions are offering various programs targeted at establishing retirement funds for individual investors. These programs are all accompanied by disclaimers that indicate that there are no guarantees with regard to performance and indicate that they cannot assure profit or protect against losses in declining markets…
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    Business Loans - 7 Reasons Not To Use A Bank
    So you're a small business owner and you need a business loan to further the objectives of your company. Where do you turn?
    When it comes to a business loan or commercial real estate loan, there are many good reasons NOT to turn to a traditional bank. Here are some of the most important reasons…
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    Dealing With Market Corrections: Ten Do’s and Don'ts
    A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. Theoretically, even technically I'm told, corrections adjust equity prices to their actual value or “support levels”. In reality, it’s much easier than that. Prices go down because of speculator reactions to expectations of news, speculator reactions to actual news, and investor profit taking. The two former "becauses" are more potent than ever before because there is more "self directed" money out there than ever before…
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    Market Failures And Business Cycles (Part 2)
    Something reverse can happen which would be even more damaging than the just discussed case. Instead of Consumption growing at a faster rate than Savings, it might so happen that Savings and Investment grow at a much faster rate than Consumption. For example, prior to Great Depression, the importance of aggregate demand as explained by Keynes was not understood…
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    Market Failures And Business Cycles (Part 1)
    The following is the most comprehensive ever explanation to the most mysterious phenomenon of Capitalism – the Business Cycles. In order to ensure that the article can be read by any well educated reader, I have minimized the economics jargon and have added a short and simple introduction to the structure of the economy…
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